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Minecraft Crash

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  • IGN:Splunge_TL
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Dont know if you can help me here..

Me and my friend have problems connecting to my server the last 2-3 days. When we log in it seems we are stuck in a wall or some blocks and after 2 seconds minecraft crashes. This isnt happening all the time though. Sometimes one of us can log in and its normal. We tried different backups and sometimes it works sometimes not. Does someone know what the problem could be? Or where i can find help somewhere else?

Here is the Crashreport

Edited by ViperSRT3g, 15 November 2013 - 08:19 PM.




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oh sry did not want to post the crash report like that 



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Have you tried reinstalling your mod packs? Telling the FTB launcher to install to a different directory through Options will make it redownload the mod pack. 

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