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[Unleashed] World suddenly crashed and refuses to load

crash unleashed buildcraft pipes nether

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  • IGN:The_weapon566
  • Modpack:FTB Unleashed


I am playing ssp with FTB Unleashed, with two mods added, treecapitator and additional pipes (for phased pipes). I have had no problem with anything yet, until just now, when I was upgrading to geothermal generators with a pump in the nether. I set up my pump, with one golden waterproof pipe and one phased waterproof pipe, and when I went back through the portal my game crashed and will not reload. Attached is my log. Any other information will be included on request. Thanks in advance for any help!

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Okay, that error is obviously something with one of the pipes (is "phased pipe" the new name for "teleport pipe?) If you have MCEdit, you could load the world and manually delete the phased pipe. There is also an option in Minecraft Forge's config to delete tile entities that cause errors, you should try turning that on.

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: crash, unleashed, buildcraft pipes, nether

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