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Help! No modpack will start D:

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Ok, so im pretty sure that my problem lies within LWJGL based on the error, and what I've seen from other peoples reports, however, I have no idea how to update this thing! For everyone else it seems like its really easy and they know how to do it instantly but I can't figure it out :/


To confirm here is my error, and if someone is willing, would you give me a step by step process to update LWJGL so that i can get back to playing?


http://pastebin.com/AKcW5M2R <--- error log.


Also, I'm using Ubuntu 13.10 so I need steps for how to do this on Linux, not windows, but any help is welcome :D



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The version of LWJGL varies depending on the Minecraft version used. There is no way to manually change it in the FTB launcher, but if you import a FTB modpack into MultiMC you can change the LWJGL version there.



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LWJGL 2.9.0 (Linux natives, these won't work on Windows)



Unzip these into ../your_modpack_version/minecraft/bin/



Unzip these into ../your_modpack_version/minecraft/bin/natives/


As for where your modpack is located, I can't help as I don't use Linux. A quick Google search should quickly reveal that though, or you can look in the option pane on the launcher.


If you still can't launch, check if you have installed your display drivers correctly.

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Hey guys, I actually figured it out like 5 minutes after posting it. I was looking in the wrong folder as to where the LWJGL files would be at.

Found them, replaced them, no problems at all :D




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LWJGL 2.9.0 (Linux natives, these won't work on Windows)



Unzip these into ../your_modpack_version/minecraft/bin/



Unzip these into ../your_modpack_version/minecraft/bin/natives/


As for where your modpack is located, I can't help as I don't use Linux. A quick Google search should quickly reveal that though, or you can look in the option pane on the launcher.


If you still can't launch, check if you have installed your display drivers correctly.


Thanks for the fast reply! Very helpful information, and I think I'm gonna add a video I made on how to do this. A lot of people don't seem too understand it. (I did but i was trying to do this at 4:30am, it was a wonder i was still standing)


The version of LWJGL varies depending on the Minecraft version used. There is no way to manually change it in the FTB launcher, but if you import a FTB modpack into MultiMC you can change the LWJGL version there.


This is actually completely possible to do without exporting to MultiMC. Here is a quick tutorial on how to do it :D




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This is actually completely possible to do without exporting to MultiMC.

Sure it is, but not from the FTB launcher.
And I honestly had no idea how to do it manually ;D




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My intention was just to get it done, one way or another :P

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