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Unleashed - World loading infinitely without success

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Hi ! first, sorry for my approxmative english.

I play on Unleashed pack on a fresh windows seven installation (64 bits). Java is up to date.

I have many strange bugs in comparison with Ultimate pack. Many game crashes, so I only need to re launch the ftb launcher.

But since yesterday, my world is crashed / corrupted. When I launch it, I have the screen "Loading world" infinitely, and I l must stop the launcher with the task manager.

In the ftb console, I have those errors:




I tried disabling somme mods like "ChikenChunks", "InventoryTweaks" and "VoxelMap" (according to some topics on this forum)...without success.

If I try to create a new world, there are no problems at all.

What are the other solutions to try on a corrupted world ? I read something with MCEdit, but I don't have error log that tell me I have a corrupted block at a given position. I also seen videos where guys supress some files and/or folders in the corrupted world (like "region" folder or "level.dat" file), but I'm not best enough in english to understand it spoken (better at reading).


What could I try to repair this world? With those constant bugs with Unleashed pack, its nearly impossible to play and construct a large world without the fear to lost it. This doesn't give me the envy to restart a new one.

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today i encountered this precise problem.


this is what i pasted from the console, it looks kinda similar to the lines you posted. though i included some more lines that show some other errors (apparently).

i tried messing around a bit with MC edit (searching for suspect chunks, cleaning region etc.). i tried deleting the server.dat and placing in its place a new one from a freshly created world with same seed / settings.

needless to say it didnt work... any clues?




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i  -partially- solved disabling the "ender storage" mod. this way i can log in my world just fine... though obviously every ender storage block disappeared.

now, if i add the mod again, the problem represents.
might it be something regarding a specific enderstorage block? like a chest i was looking in or something?


@imushen: i found out about the ender storage mod by looking at previous lines in the console report. try pasting here those too, maybestarting from the "generating keypair" thing (as i, complete ignorant, figured, that should be when the world starts).



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Imushen: You didn't post enough of the log to help identify the problem. Your issue may be the same as Blackjack's, but there's now way to tell from what you posted.


Blackjack: Did your world close unexpectedly, such as due to a power outage? That messes up EnderStorage every time. If you go into the folder containing your world, you should find a directory "EnderStorage". Deleting this should make your world playable, though you will lose anything that was stored in an Enderchest/tank. For best results, you can restore that folder from a backup, if available.




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yep. i was logging in to write that i did that precisely and worked. thanks anyway.

i know this thread became like a monologue... but i hope it will help whoever gets the problem again.

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