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Transporting MJ

Best Answer Celestial Oblivion , 16 December 2013 - 12:32 AM

Why can I not connect my electric engines to gold conductive pipe? Also, if I cannot do this what is another way to transport MJ?


You need to use wooden conductive pipe to extract power from your engines, just like you need wooden transport pipes to take items out of inventories.


That said, except for very short distances, redstone energy conduits from Thermal Expansion are a better way of transporting MJs. You don't need special pipes to export power, they have a 5% energy loss no matter how far away the power travels, and if you use a redstone energy cell with some machines they're smart enough not to waste power supply machines not in use.

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Why can I not connect my electric engines to gold conductive pipe? Also, if I cannot do this what is another way to transport MJ?

Celestial Oblivion

Celestial Oblivion

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✓  Best Answer

Why can I not connect my electric engines to gold conductive pipe? Also, if I cannot do this what is another way to transport MJ?


You need to use wooden conductive pipe to extract power from your engines, just like you need wooden transport pipes to take items out of inventories.


That said, except for very short distances, redstone energy conduits from Thermal Expansion are a better way of transporting MJs. You don't need special pipes to export power, they have a 5% energy loss no matter how far away the power travels, and if you use a redstone energy cell with some machines they're smart enough not to waste power supply machines not in use.

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That said, except for very short distances, redstone energy conduits from Thermal Expansion are a better way of transporting MJs. You don't need special pipes to export power, they have a 5% energy loss no matter how far away the power travels, and if you use a redstone energy cell with some machines they're smart enough not to waste power supply machines not in use.

I know Surviver365 isn't on a 1.6 pack, but still... here's some pretty neat information.


They've updated Conductive Pipes in 1.6. Now they're called Kinesis Pipes, and if I remember correctly they don't have any power loss at all now!

Also if you have Wooden Kinesis Pipes with Gates on them, there will be an option saying 'Energy Needed' or something of the like, so if energy is needed, you can make it automatically turn on the engines, by setting the triggered option to 'Redstone Signal'.


That said, most Thermal Expansion stuffs have been updated in 1.6 too. Now there's the Leadstone and Hardened Energy Conduits. They're inferior to the Redstone Energy Conduits, though, but a bit cheaper. Leadstone Energy Conduits transfer 80RF/t (RF is Redstone Flux, the new TE Energy), Hardened Conduits do 400RF/t and Redstone ones can handle 10000RF/t. I don't think they can be connected to Gates though, certainly not in 1.5.

Hope I helped!

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