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GUI Tooltips

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So recently I've noticed that the MCWiki have started using tooltips that mimic the look of tooltips in-game. Also, when the mouse is over the GUI, it freezes and doesn't rotate to the next recipe (say for Wood, it won't rotate through all the different types of wood when the mouse is over the Crafting GUI).






I thought it would be cool if we could do it on here as well! At the moment it's just a puny little default browser link thing.


Hope I helped!

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That might be worth doing, but we should avoid putting information in there that isn't visible elsewhere. Hovering over links tends to be problematic on touch devices.

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    Steampunk Alchemist

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The Millenaire wiki uses a scroll over device.
I haven't looked into how they do it yet but we may be able to reproduce it here?

See the items in the infobox
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Just to note, they don't both show at once. :P

That was a Paint.NET job.

Hope I helped!

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    Steampunk Alchemist

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Just to note, they don't both show at once. :P
That was a Paint.NET job.

lol, I mean I guess if one somehow had two mice at the same time they could do that. xD
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Watch all of my different Let's Play series, Minecraft and more!

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