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Diagnosing Lag

network lag direwolf20

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  • IGN:BlauRascon
  • Modpack:Direwolf20 Pack

We're gonna drag someone else onto the server (which is currently closed to everyone except me and the server owner/host so we can build spawn before re-opening it) to help diagnose this but I was just wondering if you guys have any insight.


We were running FTB Unleashed (1.5.2) before this. I didn't have any issues - everything ran smoothly.


We upgraded to Direwolf20 (1.6.4), and now I can't teleport (through /tp, /home, or /warp, or through portals) without intensely lagging - I can walk around, interact with the world, all that, but it doesn't "update" (messages don't go through, block breaking sounds don't play) until about two minutes after I teleport.


I have a similar issue when flying. If I fly too far, I have to stop and wait for the game to catch up with me. Interacting with chests and such is how I gauge when it's okay to move again.


Riding horses is completely out of the question, which is upsetting, since that's what I was looking forward to for 1.6.4 - I get on a horse, that's all good, but as soon as I try to move, it's choppy and jumpy. I've lagged to the point my horse was flying, which was really awkward. This lag renders horses unusable except as eye candy, which was depressing.


I'm okay with not really moving much outside of spawn, or just slowly walking everywhere, but it is kinda crippling when you're an op and kinda need to get from place to place quickly... any help?


edit: It seems to be caused by chunks loading/unloading in the distance...

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: network, lag, direwolf20

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