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Silverwood saplings from placed leaf blocks?

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Hello all, I wanted to know if anyone knew if silverwood leafs are incapable of producing saplings once they have been cut from the tree. I've used Shears to collect a decent amount of leaves, and, in a effort to not have to cut down new trees for saplings, I was going to just continuously shear placed leaf blocks.

However, I've gone through four shears worth of leaves over and over again and haven't gotten a single sapling. That's over 1000 leaf blocks.

Is it just physically impossible to get saplings unless you punch or let decay leaves from a live tree? Or am I just somehow absurdly unlucky.
I've gotten saplings from live trees, once 2 from 1, but never from harvested leaves.



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You can't get saplings from cut leaves. They work the same way as vanilla leaves and any other type of tree.


Oh and BTW, the chainsaw from IC2 works like shears. The Advanced Chainsaw works like that as well. Does good damage too, so it's a good thing to get if you haven't yet.





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Well, the thing is that I've actually gotten saplings from cut leaves. You can get infinite saplings from rainbow oak leaves in the direwolf 20 pack, and I've gotten 12 already. (I could get more but I already have plenty I think. ^^; )

But I see what you're saying. Thanks, but it does make me sad. =<



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I dont think you can get saplings by using shears.

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