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Crafting Table GUI Missing

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Hello all, and glad to be a part of the team, look forward to contributing to the MindCrack pages in the coming days/weeks.


I come to you for help right now, however!  I attempted to fix this, but it's just a little too far into the guts of things for me to be able to find, as best as I can tell...  I'm sure if you have been using the wiki actively you've noticed that the crafting table GUI background is missing from all of the recipes and has totally messed up the spacing because of this on all recipes being displayed.  It's pretty rough when looking for new info that includes recipes on the page.


Can anyone who's a bit more knowledgeable on advanced wiki stuff fix this, pretty please?


Thanks in advance!


(Here's the file if that somehow makes things easier.)

Attached Thumbnails

  • Crafting_GUI.png



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Hey there! Glad to have you :) Always very exciting to see more people around!


Earlier today some core changes were made to the Grid/Crafting Table Template which caused the Template to look like you described it for a few moments. This has been fixed by now and the template is fully functional again. The issue you are experiencing is likely due to client-side caching. Try reloading the page by pressing Ctrl + F5 to update your cache. Sometimes you can also override it by refreshing the page twice in quick succession. If that doesn't work either, try clearing your cache through your browser options. I assume it's not a server-side problem because the template appears fine to me and so there were no immediate complaints about it after the change.


Unrelated, a bit of a wiki tip: Under "Toolbox", you can access the Special pages list which can be a really useful tool for new editors.


If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!







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Thanks much, Art!


It is, indeed working now (without even having to clear my cache) -- thanks for the reminder to try the simple stuff on my end!  ;)

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