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Mystcraft Won't Generate Age With Glowstone Crystals After Over 105 Tries

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  • Modpack:MindCrack Pack

I am using Feed The Beast Minecrack Pack v8.1.1, with launcher v1.2.2, Minecraft v1.4.6, and mystcraft-uni-1.4.6-


I know that pack v8.1.1 is said to be for Minecraft v1.4.7, but everything seems to be working for me, except this.  Aftrer making over 105 descriptive books (almost two double chests worth), I have almost all the options except some sky options, explosions, and glowstone crystals.  I'm not trying to get everything, but to make 105 descriptive books flued by a cow and sugarcane farm is rediculous.  I would update, but doing so seems to make me lose all my Mystcraft stuff.  Adding the mod back and coping over the world doesn't seem to bring them back.  (I may be doing it wrong.)  In a test world, I cheated a descriptive book and found that it was in the options page.  So, I know it's possible to spawn.  Apperently, ages spawn depending on your world seed or something (tell me if this is ture or not.)  So, I'm either doing something wrong, or I'm very unlucky.


Help is appreciated.




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Well, I've only had this happening at random like once, I think it's just extremely rare...



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I am using Feed The Beast Minecrack Pack v8.1.1, with launcher v1.2.2, Minecraft v1.4.6, and mystcraft-uni-1.4.6-


I know that pack v8.1.1 is said to be for Minecraft v1.4.7, but everything seems to be working for me, except this.  Aftrer making over 105 descriptive books (almost two double chests worth), I have almost all the options except some sky options, explosions, and glowstone crystals.  I'm not trying to get everything, but to make 105 descriptive books flued by a cow and sugarcane farm is rediculous.  I would update, but doing so seems to make me lose all my Mystcraft stuff.  Adding the mod back and coping over the world doesn't seem to bring them back.  (I may be doing it wrong.)  In a test world, I cheated a descriptive book and found that it was in the options page.  So, I know it's possible to spawn.  Apperently, ages spawn depending on your world seed or something (tell me if this is ture or not.)  So, I'm either doing something wrong, or I'm very unlucky.


Help is appreciated.


Well, if your on a server, it could be that they disabled those kinds of ages. Many people think that the glowstone crystal generation they have is a bit OP, since it basically makes the nether pointless (besides the new ores added). If it is in single player, though, I have no idea.





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  • Modpack:MindCrack Pack

I am in single player mode.  I will continue to make descriptive books up-the-ass, and see if I can get one to generate it.  I am hoping it will before I hit 150-200 ages.

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