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3 replies to this topic




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  • IGN:RZR0
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I will probably be adding a captcha system for editing the wiki later today to combat spam. The current anti-spam measures seem to be less effective every day. The captchas will only be enabled for anonymous users. Any thoughts?




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  • IGN:ZL123
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Yes, that seems good. Will slow them down if they feel like spamming, and put them off.

Hope I helped!

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Is there a way to get it to ip ban them if they reach a predetermined spam cap?

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  • Administrators
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Is there a way to get it to ip ban them if they reach a predetermined spam cap?

There is no automated system. At present we, the moderators and admins, watch Recent Changes for spam posts (and vandalism) and ban as we see fit. We generally ban on the first offence. The current problem are SEO spambots. Captchas aren't meant to discourage human spammers, just the bots we've been dealing with lately. (if you're curious, you can see what we're talking about: http://ftbwiki.org/Special:Log/delete)
  • ViperSRT3g likes this

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