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Ultimate Pack

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Ok ill try it.

edit: it said something about MinecraftForage Not working.(no crash it was FML)
edit: I need to redownlaod this, i did something to it a few days ago i forgot.
edit: Ok heres my constels after i redownloaded and didnt work.
(doubbleposting here because ive done edit to many times and i wanted to bring the topic back up) Ok here's the crash


If you didn't like me, that your problem not mine.
Anything that advertises(on the side ads over whatever) causes malware or dissatisfaction BUT MINECRAFT DOESENT advertise at ALL



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And what are you doing when it crashes like this?
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Waching my screen load up then it freezes up and i start task manger and end program.


If you didn't like me, that your problem not mine.
Anything that advertises(on the side ads over whatever) causes malware or dissatisfaction BUT MINECRAFT DOESENT advertise at ALL



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Hm, not sure what's causing your crash. Yours is unlike the other issues posted here where a probable cause is one of the mods. Yours seems to be an issue with java itself.
Vanilla Server: vanilla.vipersrt3g.net
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I think i might need to update it,  i think the've fixed that weird thing that was happening.


edit: nope, even on a diffident computer it doesn't work.

edit: Ok found the problem, I hade 4 diffident versions of java downloaded.

edit: Thats not the problem, final problem: My video Card is bad, Ill update mine this week or so.


If you didn't like me, that your problem not mine.
Anything that advertises(on the side ads over whatever) causes malware or dissatisfaction BUT MINECRAFT DOESENT advertise at ALL

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