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Issue with the large gas turbine

gas turbine Gregtech Problem Problems

Best Answer Out of order , 20 June 2014 - 06:37 PM

I solved the problem on my own. The problem was just that the output from the muffler hatch (the side with the dot) was not outside the machine casing. That's why it stoped after a few minutes to run but without any error message. It would be nice if GregT changes the error message window in the GUI of the machine. It should show an error message like: "Invalid muffler set up. Check the muffler hatch) or something like that. The machine shouldn't start at all with this problem.


I just didn't consider that the problem was just the muffler hatch.


if you find any spelling errors you can keep them (-:

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Out of order

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I set up a large gas turbine. I gave it a whack with the rubber hammer, it started to work and everything was fine. But after a few minutes it just stops to work without any error message. In the GUI it just says: Give it a whack to re(start) it... I gave it a whack again, but it refused to start again. I made shure that it has enough methane. And the rotor is still in it. So, it has enough fuel, no error message appeared, if I hit it with the rubber hammer it says me "machnine proccesing enabled". And there is a demand in the power grid (Yes, of course it is connected to the power grid).


To my knowledge it shout work. What I'm doing wrong?




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Maybe try a hard hammer like a bronze or iron one. I don't know much about these things though, so maybe try it out in a test world first.

Hope I helped!

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I already tried that. Other hammers except the rubber hammer only toggle the general machine status (Auto-input enabled/disabled...) You have to use a rubber hammer to enable/disable the machine proccesing. But thanks anyway!

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✓  Best Answer

I solved the problem on my own. The problem was just that the output from the muffler hatch (the side with the dot) was not outside the machine casing. That's why it stoped after a few minutes to run but without any error message. It would be nice if GregT changes the error message window in the GUI of the machine. It should show an error message like: "Invalid muffler set up. Check the muffler hatch) or something like that. The machine shouldn't start at all with this problem.


I just didn't consider that the problem was just the muffler hatch.


if you find any spelling errors you can keep them (-:

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