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Wiki changes (2014/06/28)

wiki changes

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The Semantic MediaWiki extension has recently been installed on the wiki. Simply put, it allows marking of data on a page using properties, in a way similar to wikilinks. This data can then be queried and used to generate dynamic lists on pages, for example "all items from Thaumcraft 4", "all modpacks for Minecraft 1.6.4 on the FTB Launcher", or even "all blocks and items from any mod in any modpack on the ATLauncher", if need be.


We've already integrated the system into a few infoboxes, meaning that most blocks, items, mods and modpacks already have some basic data set. Regular page categories can also be used by the plugin in a way similar to properties. Once the mod lists on modpack pages have been updated for use with the new system, we will be using this to dynamically generate some infobox data, such as what modpacks a mod is in, or what addons are available for a mod. For now you can already use the "Browse properties" function from the Toolbox menu on block, item, mod and modpack pages, take a look at the browse page for IndustrialCraft2 for example.

  • ZL123 and ostPavel like this

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