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What creature is this?

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I am new to playing the FTB Ultimate, long time playing Vanilla.


I took over a temple with a zombie and skeleton spawner for the purpose of turning it in a mob spawner. I noticed a wisps hanging around after I started making the trap. I lit up the spawners to prevents mobs while working on it. Today I see this black hole that is aggressive and was wondering what it is.


I gave myself the goggles just to see the taint levels for the picture and have already destroyed it... don't want to cheat. The portal gun is legitimate find :)


Normally, I would just move on.. but I want to turn the area into my base,


Thanks in advance!

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I believe that that is a node. It doesnt do anything, and cannot be killed. You shouldnt be able to see it without the goggles on.


EDIT: checked wiki, it is a dark node

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It is a dark node, which will spawn Wisps and lots of Flux.

Hope I helped!

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You definitely want to stay away from those, because of the high levels of flux, you'll get all sorts of unpleasant effects, such as Wisps, and adverse weather.

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and with even more insane flux, giant zombies and meteorites will spawn

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It is a malignant node and spawns incredible amounts of flux.





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So, I shouldn't make a base out of it? Already have it as a mob spawner.



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It is good for a mob spawner, but bad as a base, because it will spawn be things.

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So, I shouldn't make a base out of it? Already have it as a mob spawner.


A base is a bad idea, but the mob spawner is fine. If you do, you would probably have to deal with the negative potion effects and tough-to-beat mobs that come with it. I would look for one of these that looks bright and doesn't look like it has lightning coming out of it. Those are pure nodes, and those will "heal" themselves if you put flux into it. The high levels of flux is what causes things to spawn, and the fact that the "black holes" generate it is what makes them dangerous.





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From what I've seen playing on our family server, the dark nodes do offer a way to lower the flux. Or so my brother says.

Any wisps spawned and killed will help control the flux. My brother tends to go with a tesla coil and MFSU, though I read that a cage of glass (purely for viewing pleasure) with quicksand on top will suffocate them.

Add an obsidian pipe to a chest and not only do you get lower flux levels, but some nice throm mats to boot



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I'd read that wisps spawning and other effects lower flux when they occur. It's not really killing them that's lowering flux, just the fact they're spawning.

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