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Modpacks comparison page

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This one.


Since it lists every mod and modpack (except Retro SMP) in one convenient, editable place, would it be possible to consider this page the definitive source of information on which modpacks contain what?  By that I mean, this page would be the top priority when it comes to updating modpack information, and all other pages would derive the appropriate information from it.


The page is certainly incomplete, so the first task will be to finish it off.


On a related note, is the page layout and content good enough?



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That page is really useful for me because I am switching packs. 

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I would say yes, that page would be the first thing to be updated when any updates come out. And from there, the connected pages would be subsequently updated.
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Hello Maruno. Thanks for taking care of the comparison page. It is indeed very important work. I will keep a closer eye on it from now on. There's two things I would suggest:


1) Seperate the third-party modpacks (Universal Electricity, Voxel, VoxelBrony, RPG) or remove them completely. Since they are fundamentally different from regular Feed The Beast Modpacks I don't think there's much purpose in keeping them in, and the UE-exclusive mods create a lot of empty space. Someone might disagree with me on this though.


2) Instead of the "Yes", include the mod version in each cell. I think this would be a useful addition since sometimes the packs differ on that.


Also, I think the FTB Ultimate pack should be the first on the list because it is considered to be the "main" pack. (or at least was anticipated as main)


Another thing that people might not be aware of: The table is sortable. Clicking on a cell with the modpack name will sort it by Y/N, clicking on the "mods" cell will sort the mods alphabetically. There's some odd css quirk that seems to suppress the styling for sortable tables, making it not recognizable as such. I did take a passing look at it but not enough to really figure out what's going on.

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Hello Maruno. Thanks for taking care of the comparison page. It is indeed very important work. I will keep a closer eye on it from now on. There's two things I would suggest:


1) Seperate the third-party modpacks (Universal Electricity, Voxel, VoxelBrony, RPG) or remove them completely. Since they are fundamentally different from regular Feed The Beast Modpacks I don't think there's much purpose in keeping them in, and the UE-exclusive mods create a lot of empty space. Someone might disagree with me on this though.


2) Instead of the "Yes", include the mod version in each cell. I think this would be a useful addition since sometimes the packs differ on that.


Also, I think the FTB Ultimate pack should be the first on the list because it is considered to be the "main" pack. (or at least was anticipated as main)


Another thing that people might not be aware of: The table is sortable. Clicking on a cell with the modpack name will sort it by Y/N, clicking on the "mods" cell will sort the mods alphabetically. There's some odd css quirk that seems to suppress the styling for sortable tables, making it not recognizable as such. I did take a passing look at it but not enough to really figure out what's going on.


1) If I had to form an opinion about this, it would be that they're all available from the Launcher, and so should all be listed (whether in the one table as current or in two tables).  The table itself may be a little cramped at the moment with 13 modpacks, but it isn't overly so.  One master table also helps with showing every single mod clearly.  That's all just from a practical standpoint, though; the "spirit" of FTB may demand something else.


2) That's easily possible, although it's a significant amount of extra information to keep updated.  The page (currently) doesn't show the version of each modpack either, and if you're going to have versions of included mods, you probably should have modpack versions too.  However, whether that kind of information needs to be there or not is a different matter (the relationships between mods, e.g. Advanced Machines being an add-on for IC2, isn't shown in the page either, mainly because I decided it didn't need to be and it was easier to make the table if it wasn't).


Unnumbered 3) Modpack order is easily changeable, thanks to my overhaul of how each row is displayed.  The desired order is up to people more knowledgable than I about FTB.


Column sorting seems to work for me (I use Firefox), and I made the table sortable because I knew it would be a useful feature.

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