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Industrial Electrolyzer - What am I doing wrong?

industrial electrolyzer

Best Answer Hippieshaman , 14 March 2013 - 12:42 AM

You're trying to pull energy from one of the MFE's input faces, see that brown dot, that's where you should pull power out from.

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Hey, my Industrial Electrolyzer refuses to turn my Bauxite dust into stuff (Specifically Titanium dust, trying to get a quarry together.)

I have a Generator smoking up some coal coke connected to a MFE, the MFE is completely full, and the Generator is filled up with Coal Coke. The MFE is connected to the IE by glass fibre.






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✓  Best Answer

You're trying to pull energy from one of the MFE's input faces, see that brown dot, that's where you should pull power out from.

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You're trying to pull energy from one of the MFE's input faces, see that brown dot, that's where you should pull power out from.

Thanks, it worked.

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