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Enabling disabled mods and world generation.

Best Answer Aezex , 11 October 2014 - 07:44 PM

I know that Special Mobs is a huge CPU drain, so I wouldn't recommend it.


As for Meteorcraft(https://sites.google...aft/meteorcraft) there are ways to protect from meteors in-game, as well as config settings.

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I have been using biomes o plenty on my previous playthroughs but I seem to get many of highlands biomes even though I didn't choose highlands. Does it even matter what I choose during world start up, or do all biomes from the other world generation mods will be present anyway?
Also I'm thinking whether I should enable special mobs and lycanites mob pack.
They offer a lot of variety - but my main concern is stability. I don't mind hardcore challenge but what I mind is laggy mobs. Also if I'm using steam engines from rotarycraft - I can think of a problem with mobs spawning from fires that I use to power those engines. It seems lycanites mod increases the level of "Annoyance" the mob spawning has. Does anyone play with lycanites enabled? And if you do, could you tell me if you find them annoying? thank you!
Finally - meteorcraft. Should I enable it? And if I do - is there an easy way to protect myself from meteorites? Or do I have to build obsidian ceiling above every aboveground structure?



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✓  Best Answer

I know that Special Mobs is a huge CPU drain, so I wouldn't recommend it.


As for Meteorcraft(https://sites.google...aft/meteorcraft) there are ways to protect from meteors in-game, as well as config settings.

1.6 modpack? Download Java 7 here. 1.7.10+? Download Java 8 here.



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I know that Special Mobs is a huge CPU drain, so I wouldn't recommend it.


As for Meteorcraft(https://sites.google...aft/meteorcraft) there are ways to protect from meteors in-game, as well as config settings.



Thanks! that's helpful

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