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Thaumic Bees List Template

template changes

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The names of the propolis on the Thaumic Bees list are wrong. (Or at least, don't match what is now in the Mindcrack pack)


I believe I would edit this page to correct them:




However I'm not terribly experienced in wiki editing, and when I tried to make the changes, all of the images next to the items disappeared.


The names should be changed as so:


Air Propolis should be Breezey Propolis

Firey Propolis should be Burning Propolis

Watery Propolis should be Flowing Propolis

Earthen Propolis should be Stony Propolis


This can be confirmed by looking up the word propolis in NEI.


Would it be possible for someone to please either make these modifications or tell me how to do so without losing the images?





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Hey there! Thanks for the notification, the names must have changed in a more recent version.


The images disappeared because the code automatically looks for a file with the same name and adds that next to the link. So if you change the name, it will look for a file with that new name, which was not yet available in the case of the new Propolis names you tried to add. I updated image files now so that they will show up correctly.


Since regular members are not able to move files ((frequent Contributors can though)), there is a syntax that allows you to manually define the image, which will simply look like this:

{{NavItem|Breezey Propolis|Grid Air Propolis.png}}

Where "Breezey Propolis" is the item name while "Grid Air Propolis.png" is the custom file name. ((These files should always have "Grid" as prefix.))






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Ahh, I gotcha. Thanks!




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Actually, one more question.


The Flowing Propolis actually has a different image than the watery propolis. The color is a bit darker.


How would I go about getting the correct picture? Is that something that I would want to grab from data files or just grabbing a screenshot and scaling it as appropriate?


For that matter how would I upload it once I've gotten the image?





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I just grab a screenshot from the game, but you could probably do the exact same thing using data files. My GUI in the game is set to Normal which automatically shows the items as 32x32, but if you scale a smaller image up you can get the same results as long as you use the "nearest neighbor" setting for scaling.


If you make a grid picture, make sure the item is centered the same way it is in the game and that the file is exactly 32x32 in size.


Under "Toolbox" in the top bar you will find the Upload file page. You can also go to Special:MultipleUpload if you want to upload multiple files at once.



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Since regular members are not able to move files ((frequent Contributors can though)), there is a syntax that allows you to manually define the image, which will simply look like this:

{{NavItem|Breezey Propolis|Grid Air Propolis.png}}
Where "Breezey Propolis" is the item name while "Grid Air Propolis.png" is the custom file name. ((These files should always have "Grid" as prefix.))

Or if it is wrong you can always request it be fixed.
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