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The FTBWiki

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I have trouble logging in to the new wiki. It says the username of mine is already taken there and when I try this account there it doesnt work. Do I need two accounts, one for here, one for there? And why is my username already taken?

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Hi, at the moment you can't log in yet unless you're a staff member, just until we've moved all of the content. Once that's done, logins will be enabled for all forum accounts.



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Ok thanks

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eh? i thought this was the new wiki




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eh? i thought this was the new wiki

These are our forums, the new wiki is located at http://ftbwiki.org




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Most of the recipes are a bit messed up for me on the wiki. The materials (and the output) just hang down in a line at the left of the recipe box. I doubt it's because it hasn't loaded because the bar at the top of the browser isn't showing the 'loading' sign.
EDIT: It works now. Never mind!
EDIT: Well, sometimes it works. I think I'm just in a place with really bad internet. Even though it shows 4 bars.

Hope I helped!

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Hi RZR0.  After contributing/tweaking about 150 pages on the old wiki, I got a bit freaked when I saw gobs of emails yesterday about pages being locked, closed, whatever.  Then I figured it was part of the move.  Quite a project!   Will you be sending a message when it's time for old contributors to return, or should we just keep checking in?


Quick note: in the new top nav bar for ftbwiki.org, the Register link goes to ftbforums.org but the Login link goes to ftbwiki.org -- a confusing little glitch.  I ended up registering for the forums, but then that top login link (on ftbwiki) fails anyway because it's not the forum login.


Were you (hopefully) planning to make logins required to do page edits on the new wiki?  It's frustrating when unknown folks wipe out valid recipes and there's no name to even ask about what versions of what modpacks they're running or why they erased half a page.  Anonymous users are not so bad in the comments -- it's still weird having no name to chat with -- but for actual page edits, it's just a call for griefers.


In the style guide, may I suggest some effort to record which versions of mods are being discussed.  So many times, user A posts something, then user B wipes it out because it's not in HIS version of the game.  We are trying to cover a diverse bunch of ever-evolving code, and version numbers can alleviate so much of the debate, when known.  Not every modder keeps the kind of excellent changelogs that Thermal Expansion does, but we can try and sort it out.


= s



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Quick note: in the new top nav bar for ftbwiki.org, the Register link goes to ftbforums.org but the Login link goes to ftbwiki.org -- a confusing little glitch.  I ended up registering for the forums, but then that top login link (on ftbwiki) fails anyway because it's not the forum login.


Were you (hopefully) planning to make logins required to do page edits on the new wiki?  It's frustrating when unknown folks wipe out valid recipes and there's no name to even ask about what versions of what modpacks they're running or why they erased half a page.  Anonymous users are not so bad in the comments -- it's still weird having no name to chat with -- but for actual page edits, it's just a call for griefers.

The wiki uses the same user accounts as the forums. Registering on the forums is registering for both places.

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Hi RZR0.  After contributing/tweaking about 150 pages on the old wiki, I got a bit freaked when I saw gobs of emails yesterday about pages being locked, closed, whatever.  Then I figured it was part of the move.  Quite a project!   Will you be sending a message when it's time for old contributors to return, or should we just keep checking in?


Quick note: in the new top nav bar for ftbwiki.org, the Register link goes to ftbforums.org but the Login link goes to ftbwiki.org -- a confusing little glitch.  I ended up registering for the forums, but then that top login link (on ftbwiki) fails anyway because it's not the forum login.


Were you (hopefully) planning to make logins required to do page edits on the new wiki?  It's frustrating when unknown folks wipe out valid recipes and there's no name to even ask about what versions of what modpacks they're running or why they erased half a page.  Anonymous users are not so bad in the comments -- it's still weird having no name to chat with -- but for actual page edits, it's just a call for griefers.


In the style guide, may I suggest some effort to record which versions of mods are being discussed.  So many times, user A posts something, then user B wipes it out because it's not in HIS version of the game.  We are trying to cover a diverse bunch of ever-evolving code, and version numbers can alleviate so much of the debate, when known.  Not every modder keeps the kind of excellent changelogs that Thermal Expansion does, but we can try and sort it out.


= s

The wiki is open now for editing and usage, feel free to contribute wherever you'd like. You can use your forum account for the wiki. We direct the wiki registrations to the forums to prevent users from having to make 2 accounts.

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