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I am new to most Minecraft modded content and new to this site, I use to play MC on 360.


But my question is: How do I use generators ?

-Do they have to be right next to something ? Adjacent ?


I have a survivalist Gen and a Coal Gen but do not know how to even use them, lol

Playing Sky Factory 2 from ATL if that info is needed.





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✓  Best Answer

Those generators produce energy called Redstone Flux. (There are a few other modded energy systems as well, but not in Sky Factory 2.) To start off you can place them next to the machine you want to power and put some coal (or other fuel) in the generator. Don't put too much in though, otherwise the internal battery will fill up completely and you'll waste energy. There are also cables (conduits from the EnderIO mod) to transmit power over longer distances, and batteries (energy cells from Thermal Expansion) to store larger amounts of energy. Because of how SF2 is built you need power to make cables though, so to get started you'll need to place the machines directly next to the generators.


FYI, it might be better to ask Sky Factory-related questions on the ATLauncher Sky Factory forum section, there are probably more active SF2 players there than on these forums.

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Okay thanks for the help and I will be sure to use the ATL forum for further information.



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Okay thanks for the help and I will be sure to use the ATL forum for further information.

Though if you specify the specific item you are asking about we could probably help here too.

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