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Wireless Redstone / Mob Spawner

Wireless Redstone Mob Spawn

Best Answer ViperSRT3g , 01 April 2013 - 03:27 PM

Pretty sure the receiver follows the same redstone rules as a vanilla repeater. You'd have to place it directly adjacent to the spawner, not above or below it. Go to the full post »

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I'm trying to create an on/off switch for a soul cage mob spawner using the wireless redstone transmitter & receiver devices from the chicken bones mod (Direwolf20 modpack).  But I'm not having any luck.  I have the receiver sitting right on top of the block on top of the spawner, in the place where the lever normally sits.  The lever works, but when I replace it with the wireless receiver and turn it on or off via the transmitter, it doesn't activate/deactivate the mob spawner.


Anyone know if this *should* work?  I'm sure I'm just missing something really dumb.  Also both are set to the same frequency (111).





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✓  Best Answer
Pretty sure the receiver follows the same redstone rules as a vanilla repeater. You'd have to place it directly adjacent to the spawner, not above or below it.
Vanilla Server: vanilla.vipersrt3g.net
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Yeah that was it, I finally got it working with a combination of redstone wire and placement of the receiver.  Seemed a little too finicky considering you can just put a lever on that block and it will turn on/off the soul cage just fine.  But I got it working.  Thanks!

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