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Hybrid solar panels and iridium

Best Answer digitallyApocalyptic , 04 April 2013 - 12:56 AM

The two files you are going to want to edit are Recipes.cfg and GregTech.cfg.


For Recipes.cfg, only modify the usefullrecipes section, turning everything that is true to false. Then, for the Tincells parameter, change that to however many cells you want to be able to craft per four tin ingots. Also: change the Massfabricator parameter (under the ic2recipes heading) to true.


For GregTech.cfg, turn everything under the headings addonrecipes (except things you want to craft), basicmetalblastfurnacerequirement, and machines to false. Under worldgeneration, you can then turn up the IridiumProbability parameter to however much you want. The value is the chance in percentage value per chunk of one block of Iridium Ore generating. Theoretically, you could crank that up to some ridiculous value like two billion to make the world entirely or mostly made out of Iridium Ore. Its natural value makes Iridium Ore generate (on average) at a rate of one block of ore in every fifth chunk.


Under features in GregTech.cfg, you can also turn off ForestryBronzeNerf to allow for a ratio of 3 copper + 1 tin = 4 bronze, instead of GregTech's 3 copper + 1 tin = 2 bronze.


That should allow you to have what I think you are looking for. If other things are still disabled/enabled that you would like to be enabled/disabled respectively, then you can try looking around either GregTech.cfg or Recipes.cfg for it. If you can't find what you're looking for, post here and someone will probably be able to help you find it.

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It seems that a lot of things take iridium, mainly I am concerned with, as the title states, hybrid solar panels. I disabled gregtech, so I can't find iridium ore and I would like to be able to find some, but I don't like anything else from gregtech. I have been told that iridium is really hard to get and you need a lot of energy to make it and I would like to use solar panels, but I can't because they require iriduim and the ones that don't provide to little power. Is there some way that I could just inable the iridium ore from gregtech. If so how and if I do do this then will I have to go to a new chunk to find iridium. Iridium is really annoying. :angry:  Any help would be appreciated. :) 




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Re-enable GregTech, go into its config files (Ultimate\minecraft\config\GregTech), and change the states of all the things that have 'hard mode' in them to 'false', and anything else you don't want. Also, instead of Solar Panels, you could use Nuclear Reactors. That's what I'd use if I were to power Mass Fabricators (or Matter Fabricators).

That should work!


If you have any more questions, just ask. :D

Hope I helped!

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Ok, thanks!



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When I clicked on the GregTech file I saw BlockItemIDs.cfg GregTech.cfg GregTech.lang Recipes.cfg RecipesAdvancedConfig.cfg what do I click on and how do I turn things to false. Also, I have Windows 7. Oh also, when I click on one of the files they say that I Windows needs to know what program you want to use to open this file. I would love anly help. I am not great at this kind of stuff. :huh:



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You can edit .cfg 's in Notepad or any other basic text editor.  They're in plain text.  I've never actually tried turning off most of GregTech, so someone else will have to help there. 


Be aware though that Iridium Ore is incredibly scarce (1 block every five or so chunks? I can't remember the actual rate but it's abysmally low), and mining for it is not really a feasible way to get a useful supply even with Quarries.  You will have better luck with Ferrous Ore, processed through an Industrial Grinder, or if you're willing to invest a lot of time in bee breeding, Valuable Bees will make Platinum Combs as well.  It's slow, but sustainable and renewable, and doesn't require tearing up massive holes in your world.  An alternate power source + a Matter/Mass Fabricator will also be much faster than trying to mine for Iridium.  






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✓  Best Answer

The two files you are going to want to edit are Recipes.cfg and GregTech.cfg.


For Recipes.cfg, only modify the usefullrecipes section, turning everything that is true to false. Then, for the Tincells parameter, change that to however many cells you want to be able to craft per four tin ingots. Also: change the Massfabricator parameter (under the ic2recipes heading) to true.


For GregTech.cfg, turn everything under the headings addonrecipes (except things you want to craft), basicmetalblastfurnacerequirement, and machines to false. Under worldgeneration, you can then turn up the IridiumProbability parameter to however much you want. The value is the chance in percentage value per chunk of one block of Iridium Ore generating. Theoretically, you could crank that up to some ridiculous value like two billion to make the world entirely or mostly made out of Iridium Ore. Its natural value makes Iridium Ore generate (on average) at a rate of one block of ore in every fifth chunk.


Under features in GregTech.cfg, you can also turn off ForestryBronzeNerf to allow for a ratio of 3 copper + 1 tin = 4 bronze, instead of GregTech's 3 copper + 1 tin = 2 bronze.


That should allow you to have what I think you are looking for. If other things are still disabled/enabled that you would like to be enabled/disabled respectively, then you can try looking around either GregTech.cfg or Recipes.cfg for it. If you can't find what you're looking for, post here and someone will probably be able to help you find it.

My username is digitallyApocalyptic. I contribute where I can on the wiki and I've previously built pretty much the entirety of Category:Twilight Forest. I play FTB Ultimate, some games on Steam, and I follow MS Paint Adventures.



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I did what you said to do and under the worldgeneration I turned the IridiumProbablility parameter to 1000. I made a new world and a quarry, in creative mode, to test if iridium is spawning and I have yet to find iridium. Did I do something wrong if not how high should I put the spawn rate so I can easly find it?



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Your current value would mean that about 10 blocks of iridium should be spawning on average per chunk. I'm not 100% sure if having higher values actually works, as GregTech may override the value completely if it gets too high to prevent abuse of the iridium ore spawning thing. I've not done any actual testing on this, but it should be working.

Try a different biome to see if that helps, or perhaps try turning up the value to something ridiculous (e.g. 1 million, which would make an average of 10,000 blocks spawn per chunk, and since there are only about 16,000 blocks of stone per chunk, you should hit iridium soon or right away) and see if it spawns any. This would test to see if it can spawn with such a high value and in such frequency, and you could then know that lower values would work the same. You may also be digging at too high of a layer; I'm not sure if Iridium Ore can spawn at all layers, at specific layers, or what the spawning requirements are, so try digging deeper.


Unfortunately, this is all theoretical for me, as I've never had cause to modify GregTech's configuration files to such an extent, so I'm sorry if my suggestions aren't helping much :(

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My username is digitallyApocalyptic. I contribute where I can on the wiki and I've previously built pretty much the entirety of Category:Twilight Forest. I play FTB Ultimate, some games on Steam, and I follow MS Paint Adventures.



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I think I might had just needed to log off then on again. I did log of then change the spawn rate to 1 million and when I logged back on and made a new world I found iridium really easly. It was crazy high so I turned it back to 1000. Thanks digitallyApocalyptic. By the way nice name. :)

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