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Superior Unleashed||GriefPrevention||NoPvP||Survival||AllMobs||Need Builders||25%saleindonationstore||

FTB Unleashed Unleashed FTB FTB Unleashed

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  • IGN:Frank_X
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Superior Evolution Gaming
Superior Unleashed
What exactly is Superior Evolution Gaming?: Superior Evolution Gaming is a multi platform gaming community. Currently we are based around Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Multiplayer and FTB Unlashed. Although we currently only provide a small variety of games we are looking to rapidly expand acrossed many more with the assistance of our well respected staff team and trustworthy players.
Enough about the community let's focus on the Minecraft server: FTB unleashed is our first Minecraft server and is our main focus. Currently we need staff and loyal players. There are very few banned items. We are currently in beta and are looking for a small group of player to hop in the server and help us out on what to build and add to our website. Anyone is welcome to join and any and all donations are welcomed to help keep the server open.
How will I benefit from joining the server now?: Joining our server now will give you a head start in the economy and will give you a slight advantage over players that join later on due to the fact your base will already be set up and fully functional.
How can I join your website, Teamspeak, and minecraft server?:
Teamspeak: ts.se-rp.net
Minecraft: play.se-rp.net
All donation items on the website store is on 25% sale! Hurry up and join!
How can I become a staff member at Superior Unleashed?: Feel free to apply for staff on our website under the staff application section, we are always in need of Assistants and builders!

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