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FTB Invalid User Info & Login Session issues

Login FTB Infinity Revelation Issue Invalid MC Help

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  • IGN:RaesWolf
  • Modpack:FTB Infinity

First off I have a paid version of minecraft and it is a mitigated account so for awhile I have been using my email to login to FTB and Regular Minecraft.  Yesterday I was getting an Invalid login error https://gyazo.com/cf...36633b63879f160 When trying to login to a FTB Revelation but I was able to get by this because on top left of joining a server it says Relogin and lets u login right there and then it would work.  Today  I get https://gyazo.com/89...3ec415db42d8587  For an error no matter what I try.  My email account is not working or allowing me in like it was.  When I tried changing the password and using a new password I still get this error.  It sorta lets me get by this by using my profile name instead of my email but then I get the first error again and still cannot Join.  Nothing I do past this works.  


I have tried multiple things from Reinstalling the launcher and mod packs, logging out of minecraft and relaunching and then relogging in.  I have used task manager to close all sessions just in case one was remaining open messing with it.  I have researched and googled a lot of others who had a similar issue but most if not all was resolved one way or another and I have looked into all their methods so far and nothing currently is letting me in past the second issue now.


This is a link for my FTB Launcher Log.  Not sure what else to try at this point I just cannot join any multiplayer server IF I can get passed the second error.  Please Help!






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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Login, FTB, Infinity, Revelation, Issue, Invalid, MC, Help

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