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Second opinion!

worldcorruption crashing direwolf20

Best Answer KTMac58 , 06 April 2013 - 04:28 PM

Hi again!

Thanks for all the help but I ended up trying my solve-all (or so it seems) solution to pesky server errors. What I did that fixed the problem was move my existing world folder over to a new location, then I would have the server generate a completely new world. After this was finished I would delete the region files of the new world and simply add the region and player files of the old world to the new world folder. However it seems my mystcraft dimensions had nothing to do with this though because I just took the 3 DIM_MYST age folders that were inhabited and added them back and everything worked fine. I played yesterday for a while and got no crashing :D I'm going to play again today just to make sure this error does not return. I hope this thread can be of help to others with similar errors!

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Hello all,

I've been crashing for a while now, started a few days after I hosted my server. The crashes happen every 5-10 minutes usually, are increasing in frequency and only *seem* to happen in my mystcraft age that I live in. Usually when I crash I get this server error;

05.04 08:40:52 [Server] INFO [STDOUT] Unloading Player: KTMac58
05.04 08:40:52 [Disconnect] User [Minecraft] KTMac58 has disconnected, reason: disconnect.genericReason
05.04 08:40:52 [Server] INFO [STDERR]  at ch.run(SourceFile:93)
05.04 08:40:52 [Server] INFO [STDERR]  at cg.c(TcpConnection.java:544)
05.04 08:40:52 [Server] INFO [STDERR]  at cg.i(TcpConnection.java:324)
05.04 08:40:52 [Server] INFO [STDERR]  at ef.a(Packet.java:142)
05.04 08:40:52 [Server] INFO [STDERR]  at java.io.FilterInputStream.read(Unknown Source)
05.04 08:40:52 [Server] INFO [STDERR]  at org.bouncycastle.crypto.io.CipherInputStream.read(Unknown Source)
05.04 08:40:52 [Server] INFO [STDERR]  at org.bouncycastle.crypto.io.CipherInputStream.nextChunk(Unknown Source)
05.04 08:40:52 [Server] INFO [STDERR]  at java.io.FilterInputStream.read(Unknown Source)
05.04 08:40:52 [Server] INFO [STDERR]  at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(Unknown Source)
05.04 08:40:52 [Server] INFO [STDERR]  at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(Unknown Source)
05.04 08:40:52 [Server] INFO [STDERR]  at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead0(Native Method)
05.04 08:40:52 [Server] INFO [STDERR] java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out

But recently I have just been plain old crashing, disconnect.endofstream with no errors in the log.

Server host support suggests that I have corrupted worlds and I have been getting forgemodloader errors saying that worlds have leaked, but i'm not sure if leaking and corruption are the same and I just want a second opinion so that if I end up having to set back the server a lot or if worse comes to worse, generating a new map.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!




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I'm not all that good with Java errors, but one of the first rules of troubleshooting is that you must isolate the problem. Could you run your server and see if you can trigger that error outside the Mystcraft age, perhaps by stressing the server a bit? If not, try generating a new age (preferably with the same symbols, just in case), and then try to crash said new age. If you have determined beyond reasonable doubt that these crashes ONLY happen in one particular age, you could use WorldEdit or similar to move your builds to a safer age and either delete the glitched one outright or restrict access until a better course of action is found. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find anything about fixing a corrupted age (well, corrupted data-wise. Plenty about corrupted instability-wise), so I can only wish you luck.




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✓  Best Answer

Hi again!

Thanks for all the help but I ended up trying my solve-all (or so it seems) solution to pesky server errors. What I did that fixed the problem was move my existing world folder over to a new location, then I would have the server generate a completely new world. After this was finished I would delete the region files of the new world and simply add the region and player files of the old world to the new world folder. However it seems my mystcraft dimensions had nothing to do with this though because I just took the 3 DIM_MYST age folders that were inhabited and added them back and everything worked fine. I played yesterday for a while and got no crashing :D I'm going to play again today just to make sure this error does not return. I hope this thread can be of help to others with similar errors!

  • ViperSRT3g and ZL123 like this

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: worldcorruption, crashing, direwolf20

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