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Problems with the Extra Bees indexer

extra bees indexer

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Recently, on my FTB Ultimate SSP world, I've been doing some bee breeding, and I read about the Indexer and said to myself, "Near-free infinite bee storage? Awesome! I'll buy." Turns out it's not so great, as if I put too many bees (not sure how much) into the indexer and then open it up again, it crashes. If I put bees into the indexer too fast, it crashes. If I take bees out of the indexer (at all), it crashes.


Has this been happening to anyone else? Is there a way of getting the indexer to work properly without crashing my game every time I try to use it?

My username is digitallyApocalyptic. I contribute where I can on the wiki and I've previously built pretty much the entirety of Category:Twilight Forest. I play FTB Ultimate, some games on Steam, and I follow MS Paint Adventures.



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I've found the Indexer (and previously, most of the Advanced Genetic Machines) to be glitchy, so haven't used them.  To be honest you're probably better off with Gold/Diamond Chests, since you can see more bees at a glance and store species Serums with the lineages if desired.  The fact that it didn't retain the last sort order requested was enough to turn me off from using it. 


Wish I had more helpful news to offer. :(



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Unfortunately, I'm not quite to the point where I have limitless (or at least large) quantities of power to throw towards Isolators and Inoculators. Did recently switch my base over to fully solar powered, though :D


That's what I'm thinking of doing, and I'm not sure whether it would be better to use boxes from the Iron Chests mod or to use Apiarist's Chests, as combs are rather valuable for honey for the Beealyzer at the moment. I'll probably use iron instead of gold boxes, as I've got more iron than I know what to do with after running a few quarries.

My username is digitallyApocalyptic. I contribute where I can on the wiki and I've previously built pretty much the entirety of Category:Twilight Forest. I play FTB Ultimate, some games on Steam, and I follow MS Paint Adventures.




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Im having a problem with the indexer as well. It used to work fine for me, now minecraft crashes every time I try to open it. (it also crashes when I try to use some other random things, but its constant with the indexer). The genetic machines are all working fine, just the indexer is constant trouble. It sucks because all my bees are in it... Maybe i will just have to break it and have chests ready for all the bees?



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Are you running FTB on a Mac?  I had similar troubles before upgrading Java's housekeeping cache size (with the Apiarist Database though, not the Indexer, it would consistently crash when trying to open), it seems to make a lot of calls at once and was giving Minecraft apocalyptic fits.  


Make a world backup before breaking your Indexer, just in case it doesn't drop all the bees it should when broken. 




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Im running on a pc. yeah ill make sure to backup my game so i dont lose all my bees. time to make some diamond chests :)




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Yeah I had a ton of bees in there (~1000 spots) so maybe it just couldnt handle that many so thats why it kept crashing.



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I haven't had problems with the indexer or the other machines I've been using, but I've been having a difficult time using the Apiarists Database. For what ever reason, it always crashes my client when I try to use it. I barely have any bees discovered yet, so I doubt it would be a space problem. Maybe it's because of the server (I have no idea why it would be), but here is the crash report and the console log in case anybody want's to help.




Crash Report




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Im running on a pc. yeah ill make sure to backup my game so i dont lose all my bees. time to make some diamond chests :)

 If all else fails, you can just make a bunch of Apiarist's Backpacks to put the bees in. That will save a lot of space if you want to use chests.





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I believe there is a limit of about 1000 bees. You need to pipe out some bees to stop the crashes.




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 If all else fails, you can just make a bunch of Apiarist's Backpacks to put the bees in. That will save a lot of space if you want to use chests.


I ended up using 6 apiarists chests, 6 gold chests and an apiarists backpack ;p


I believe there is a limit of about 1000 bees. You need to pipe out some bees to stop the crashes.


That would explain why I was having that issue then.



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I've recently found out that the Apiarist's Database appears to crash when a jetpack (possibly only the Advanced Electric Jetpack? I've only tested it with that, but I would assume it would persist with other jetpack varieties) is in usage, either in hover mode (ascending/descending) or in regular mode (ascending only.)


Extra Bees is a fantastic mod when it works. Extra Bees is not a fantastic mod a solid 95% of the time, possibly greater.

My username is digitallyApocalyptic. I contribute where I can on the wiki and I've previously built pretty much the entirety of Category:Twilight Forest. I play FTB Ultimate, some games on Steam, and I follow MS Paint Adventures.

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