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Can't get my direwolf20 1.7.10 server to load biomes o plenty

server biomes o plenty direworlf20

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  • IGN:killercreeper117
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I have tried to get biomes o plenty to load, but no matter what I do nothing works.  I have tried changing the level-type=BIOMESOP in the server.properties file.  I have tried messing around in the configs. I have tried using several different versions of biomes o plenty for 1.7.10.  I have tried generating a biomes o plenty single player world and then transplanting its world save into the server, but it only crashes.  ( Single player works fine by the way).


If anyone knows what to do please help. 



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Define "nothing works". Does the server start then generate the map with vanilla biomes, despite the config set to BoP? 

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Yes, exactly.  It is as if the mod wasn't there.  Transplanting the worlds seems to work for a minute or 2, but then it suddenly disconnects from the server saying that it has lost connection.  Then the server console closes.  




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Also, I should note I have added the mods treecapitator, draconic evolution, and greg's lighting to the modpack.  I don't think these are affecting the terrain generation though.  

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