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server questions

Best Answer timrem , 11 April 2013 - 09:40 PM

In the folder where you have your server, there's a file called "server.properties". Shut down your server, then open that in a text editor (such as Notepad) and you can change the settings of the server. Specifically, you want "allow-flight=true". To change the difficulty, set "difficulty=1" to a different value (0:Peaceful, 1:Easy, 2:Normal, 3:Hard). When you start your server again, the new settings should take effect.

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i'm driving a server and got some problems with the arcanium levitator from thaumcraft. when i go big levitates i get disconnected from my server cause flying is not enabled i believed it said.

i got two guestion about server permitions/commands. how do i make it so flying is enabled and how do i change the server difficulity (i got the server on my own computer)



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✓  Best Answer

In the folder where you have your server, there's a file called "server.properties". Shut down your server, then open that in a text editor (such as Notepad) and you can change the settings of the server. Specifically, you want "allow-flight=true". To change the difficulty, set "difficulty=1" to a different value (0:Peaceful, 1:Easy, 2:Normal, 3:Hard). When you start your server again, the new settings should take effect.

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