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Setup Big Beactors' turbines with MineFactory's Steam Boilers probs

steam big reactors minefactory turbines

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  • 1 posts
  • IGN:Emerald_124
  • Modpack:Private Pack

Hi everyone !


I'm playing atm on server with friends using a modpack which is untitled "Crundee Craft" version 1.0.21. It is avialable via AT Launcher.


Right, so after building a classic reactor which uses a lot of Yellorium, I thought it would be a good idea to build a turbine from Big Reactors which doesn't use that many resources while working. After building this :



Then, I had to setup a steam factory in order to give steam to the turbine. In the modpack, we don't have Railcraft mod so I have to use the Steam Boilers from MineFactory Reloaded. I use 6 of them like this :



As you can see, all the produced steam is stored into 3 steam drums. Then I extract the steam from those drums with Super-Luminar Fluiduct which can transport infinite mB/t and I connect it  to the turbine's fluid port. After this, I launch the reactor and I stabilise it to 1800 RPM ~ and I obtain this :



Tbh, it's ridiculously bad and I don't know why. Have I to add some more Steam Boilers ? Or I did something wrong with my turbine or something ? Btw, I use Electrum Blocks in my turbine setup.


Thanks for people who tried to help me  :lol:

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: steam, big reactors, minefactory, turbines

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