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Corrupted World

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My computer lost power while I was playing. Now I am unable to load the world I was playing on, but I can load other worlds. I've never made any manual backups. Is there any way to fix it? Or is there an automatic backup somewhere?



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Saves do not automatically back up, to my knowledge. If you haven't made any manual backups to a location where you can recover the data from and your entire world is corrupted and you can't load it in, then you're stuck. If a crash log is created (minecraft goes to blue screen with white box in center with text) when you try to load up your world, you could post that here, as it might aid in resolving the error if it can be resolved. If you do, please do so in spoiler tags, prefixing the log with [spoiler] and then putting [/spoiler ] afterwards, or post a link to the log on Pastebin/other similar site to keep post lengths short.


If only a specific area of your world is corrupted and you know which area, then theoretically you could delete the section of world and continue working just fine. More info can be found in this thread. However, if the entire world is corrupt, you will have to delete and start anew, most likely.

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My username is digitallyApocalyptic. I contribute where I can on the wiki and I've previously built pretty much the entirety of Category:Twilight Forest. I play FTB Ultimate, some games on Steam, and I follow MS Paint Adventures.




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It never actually crashes. It just stays on the "Loading World" screen forever. I think I'll try deleting some chunks. I'll report back if it works.




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Ok, so I tried removing all the chunks and the world got further into loading but then it would crash for another reason. So I gave up and decided to make a new world and use creative to recreate most of what I had. Unfortunately after working for an hour or so I got a new bug. If I open the inventory screen in any way, the game crashes. And it is now affecting two different worlds, making them unplayable. Do you have any ideas?





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looks like you got an item without any texture in your inventory, and you crash when you open it since minecraft tries to render it, which it cant.


to fix this you need an NTB editor, and you need to know where in your inventory this item is, then navigate to it and delete it. alternatively you can delete your player.dat file and it should be fixed.

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I'll give it a try, but on one of the worlds I actually killed myself to clear my inventory and it would still crash.


EDIT: No luck, still crashes.




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Maybe you should try re-downloading/force updating?

Hope I helped!

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Just tried to force update, still crashes.



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Here's what you might be able to do for both of your affected worlds:


1) Google NBTExplorer and download it.

2) Open up your save file(s) in NBTExplorer.

3) Open level.dat --> player --> inventory, and look for whatever item slot has an item with id of negative one. This, unfortunately, is a bit of a tedious process.

4) Once you've found that, delete it, or change the item ID to something else that will work (e.g. block ID 1 for smooth stone.)

5) Press the floppy disk icon to save the modifications that you've made.


This might fix the error temporarily, but I've no clue as to what might be causing items to take invalid IDs. This is very strange.

My username is digitallyApocalyptic. I contribute where I can on the wiki and I've previously built pretty much the entirety of Category:Twilight Forest. I play FTB Ultimate, some games on Steam, and I follow MS Paint Adventures.




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Just tried that and on one world, the inventory is completely empty, so there are no items at all. In the other, there are no items with an ID of -1. There were a few up around 25000, but I don't know if that is an error, or if the item IDs actually go that high.


Also, I tried making a new world and I spent ~1 hour playing around to see if it would start crashing too. It never did, which makes me hopeful, but I don't want to start a new world and have it break after a couple hours.



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If you are playing FTB, item and block IDs go up very high, into the tens of thousands. The exact amount of IDs that are used depends on the pack you're using.


You could try simply wiping only the inventory tags via NBTExplorer if you have nothing of importance or you know what you had and you are willing to recover it via NEI cheat mode. Otherwise, I'm not sure what to tell you; this is a very strange error.

My username is digitallyApocalyptic. I contribute where I can on the wiki and I've previously built pretty much the entirety of Category:Twilight Forest. I play FTB Ultimate, some games on Steam, and I follow MS Paint Adventures.




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Looking at the error message, it seems like the error is caused by trying to draw some text on the screen. Why it's causing an error, I don't know, but I feel like it might be an issue with NEI and not my inventory.





Well, I figured out the source of the error and I can now replicate it. To cause the error, I did the shift-click thing on one of the Xycraft "tabs" and it shows only the xycraft items. Then I held backspace and as soon as I deleted the "." from "@Mod.Xycraft Machines" (or "@Mod.Xycraft World") the game crashes. I tried it with other mods and I don't get the error with them. Only Xycraft. The only obvious difference is the the Xycraft tabs are colored. It could be something different, but this process is definitely causing the error.

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Looking at the error message, it seems like the error is caused by trying to draw some text on the screen. Why it's causing an error, I don't know, but I feel like it might be an issue with NEI and not my inventory.





Well, I figured out the source of the error and I can now replicate it. To cause the error, I did the shift-click thing on one of the Xycraft "tabs" and it shows only the xycraft items. Then I held backspace and as soon as I deleted the "." from "@Mod.Xycraft Machines" (or "@Mod.Xycraft World") the game crashes. I tried it with other mods and I don't get the error with them. Only Xycraft. The only obvious difference is the the Xycraft tabs are colored. It could be something different, but this process is definitely causing the error.

This is the exact same thing that happened to me if anyone has a fix could you plez let me know

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