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FTB United - SkyFactory 3 (**PUBLIC**)

SkyFactory 3 FTB New

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  • IGN:ItsKush
  • Modpack:FTB Infinity

We are a new server looking to form a great community of players who enjoy Modded Minecraft. We expect our players to be mature, especially those who wish to apply for staff (the rank will be helper and those who are staff must have experience in Modded Minecraft/SkyFactory in order to help out the newer players. We are looking to make this experience fun, adding on updates in the future to the server, whether that be a switched modpack or other features to the server. We will also look to set up a website in order to update our community and keep them with the most up to date information about the server! Join up to enjoy SkyFactory! 

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  • 1 posts
  • IGN:ennubennu
  • Modpack:Unlisted Pack

Is the server still up, I'd love to join!

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