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Mac Server RAM Allocation

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So I'd like to open a server to the public, but at the moment I can only do 1 GB RAM allocation.  I'd like to do more, but my Mac wont run the .sh or .command files to allow more.  Does anyone know how to fix that, or perhaps guide me through the process?  I am already running an FTB Ultimate server for friends, but would like to one a little bigger.




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So the rpboelm you're having is that you can't allocate enough memory? Or do you only have 1GB to spare? I'm not familiar with mac, but I do think it should be able to run shell scripts though a cli terminal?




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Yes, the Mac that I want to run it on has 8 GB of RAM and I would like to allocate 4-6 to the server.  For some reason, .sh files open as a text document on my Mac.  This means that the normal guide of creating a .sh file that allocates more ran to the minecraft.jar doesn't work for me.  :(  I haven't had any problems with running out of RAM with the 1GB, but it's just my friends and I, so I'm sure I will if I make an open server.




  • Operator
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Yes, the Mac that I want to run it on has 8 GB of RAM and I would like to allocate 4-6 to the server.  For some reason, .sh files open as a text document on my Mac.  This means that the normal guide of creating a .sh file that allocates more ran to the minecraft.jar doesn't work for me.  :(  I haven't had any problems with running out of RAM with the 1GB, but it's just my friends and I, so I'm sure I will if I make an open server.

You're not supposed to open the file, you have to execute it... Open a terminal window and execute it by typing "sh Run_Server.sh" (replace Run_Server by the name of the file)




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It says "Unable to access file ftbserver.jar", the file is actually there, though.

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