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Automated storage and retrieval system

Best Answer Iamtk421 , 16 April 2013 - 10:27 PM

I just remembered I saw something similar on a tekkit server I played on, but it was using retrievulators (not retrievers) from tubestuff, but that's not in mindcrack.


Edit: looks like they'd do exactly what I want... I might have to either add tubestuff or transfer my world to FTB ultimate.

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Hey everyone,


I'm trying to improve my storage system. I've previously used redpower sorting machines to sort to chests, but with lots of resources it is a bit awkward.


I decided to try to set up a backend storage area using Barrels, and then have a frontend wall of chests in my base kept stocked to set levels using various machines.



  • Managers seem to only work in pairs and can't take out of unmanaged inventory,
  • I just couldn't get regulators to work properly,
  • A retriever would just pull all inventory from the barrels stack at a time and then jam immediately,
  • I've no idea how the gregtech advanced retriever is supposed to work.

Does anyone know a good way of setting this up?




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Do you want this system to be able to take things out as well as in?

I've heard the Router + Barrels does the job well.

Hope I helped!

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I'd like to be able to put stuff into an enderchest, have the system extract it and store it in barrels, then also have it extract from these barrels and keep a selection of chests beside my crafting/machine area topped off with a selection of items.


I've got the barrel storage part working fine, but the retrieval system is a headache.


Ultimately it'd be nice if the contents of the enderchest were managed so I can for example put mined materials etc into an ender pouch and they'll be automatically taken out and stored, while one stack of food etc is automatically kept topped up. Hell, it'd even then be possible for me to pop my discharged mining laser into the pouch and have the system take it out, charge it and put it back in for me to continue using.



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Now you've got me curious about this set up. I'd like to see something that can maintain item levels in an inventory like that. I can't think of anything that would do such a thing, though having an auto-charging set up is relatively easy.
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FTB Ultimate uses the ME storage/crafting system.  It is extremely useful and makes everything very simple.  Check out Direwolf20's spotlight on the mod for an example.  However, it is difficult to make a large system due to the excessive use of Quartz Crystals and Quartz Dust (added by the mod, not the ones that stab you).

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✓  Best Answer

I just remembered I saw something similar on a tekkit server I played on, but it was using retrievulators (not retrievers) from tubestuff, but that's not in mindcrack.


Edit: looks like they'd do exactly what I want... I might have to either add tubestuff or transfer my world to FTB ultimate.




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I don't think you need Tubestuff, just Applied Energistics.

Hope I helped!

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Tubestuff works well and has the advantage that it doesn't give me tons more things I'm not likely to use... :-)

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