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Removing individual mods

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Hey, starting up a FTB server just for me and some friends? If I want to diasable some mods like ee3, do you jut delete that mod file from the mods folder? Sorry for noob question



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You can either do that or use the Edit Mod Pack button. To do so, you would press Edit Mod Pack while your mod pack of choice is selected, choose the mod you want to disable, and then click Disable. Either method should work fine.

My username is digitallyApocalyptic. I contribute where I can on the wiki and I've previously built pretty much the entirety of Category:Twilight Forest. I play FTB Ultimate, some games on Steam, and I follow MS Paint Adventures.




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Thanks! I meant for disabling them on the server.. I'm getting block lag and read somewhere that disabling some mods could help.. Unless I'm totally on the wrong track.. Server runs 3gmb on ssd, don't know about processor speed though (server rented with host-seed, only cheapish one I could find for aus) if there is a better option (don't mind about 35$ month or so) I'm all ears



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I recommend hosthorde.com they fall within your budget, and their services are scalable.
Vanilla Server: vanilla.vipersrt3g.net
Snapshot Server: snap.vipersrt3g.net



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Thanks! I meant for disabling them on the server.. I'm getting block lag and read somewhere that disabling some mods could help.. Unless I'm totally on the wrong track.. Server runs 3gmb on ssd, don't know about processor speed though (server rented with host-seed, only cheapish one I could find for aus) if there is a better option (don't mind about 35$ month or so) I'm all ears


Blergh, sorry. Didn't realize that. Make sure that your friends also disable any mods that you disable when setting up this server. Some mods require that the server-side version to be present (e.g. CodeChickenCore) or else errors may occur when people attempt to connect to your server if they have mods that require the server-side version if the server-side version isn't present. Haven't ever had that happen to me, but I think that it is a possibility, and may result in the client failing to connect to the server properly.

My username is digitallyApocalyptic. I contribute where I can on the wiki and I've previously built pretty much the entirety of Category:Twilight Forest. I play FTB Ultimate, some games on Steam, and I follow MS Paint Adventures.



    Steampunk Alchemist

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Blergh, sorry. Didn't realize that. Make sure that your friends also disable any mods that you disable when setting up this server. Some mods require that the server-side version to be present (e.g. CodeChickenCore) or else errors may occur when people attempt to connect to your server if they have mods that require the server-side version if the server-side version isn't present. Haven't ever had that happen to me, but I think that it is a possibility, and may result in the client failing to connect to the server properly.

If the users don't have the right mods sometimes it will let them connect and be really laggy and sometimes it stops them from connecting at all.

So yes, it is best to be sure that all your users use the right mods.
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