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Salutations to all y'all dedicated fans.


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  • IGN:Dysorr
  • Modpack:FTB Ultimate

I decided to make an account to stave off the boredom from the coronavirus quarantine D:

Additionally, with the release of FTB Omnia last week, I'm here to hopefully begin contributions to the wiki on the upcoming FTBA packs. 

Full disclaimer, I just like to play Botania so FTB Omnia is already a lackadaisical kitchen sink pack to me, but people have got to have some info to go off to return to FTB!

So I hope I'm in the right place to update the FTB wiki with 2020 content. Cheers.




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  • IGN:SteelBlue8
  • Modpack:Private Pack

Hello and welcome! I hope you enjoy it here, and it will certainly be good to see more updates to the wiki, especially considering how much of it is just empty pages!

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