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Industrial Grinder Voltage question

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I had the industrial grinder up and running for an hour today. At first I screwed up and gave it 512 eu/t and it blew the first one I put ore in. So I cranked it back to 128 eu/t and it ran one of them fine. But when I hooked up the second and third one that remained it said insufficient energy. So, I cranked up the eu/t to 256 and the second one started. Great. So I cranked it up to 384 so I figured the eu/t are being divided up among the remaining grinders, and it worked. All three were running like a charm for an hour, and then all three blew up. Why? Ideas? If I supplied it too much energy, why would it run for an hour, then blow up. Why did it say insufficient energy when it clearly said 128/t being supplied. I checked with the eu meter and it said 64 eu/t when I wired the second grinder up, so I assumed it was being divided up, and I thought I was right, and the third one when wired gave me a eu reading of 85.6 when I wired it up, and it also gave me the insufficient energy error. So cranking it up got them all running, and they all checked out, and then BOOM.


WTF? Help..



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one of them probably ran out of work so it stopped requesting energy, therefore making the other two getting to much energy and blow up.

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Each grinder should have its own dedicated MFE - they're picky and need no less and no more than 128 EU/t - too little and they'll just waste whatever they're getting, too much and they blow.  Stick an MFE under each grinder and wire them up to your main power source (with transformers if needed) and that should solve the problem. 

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