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Unable to place water or lava.

Best Answer timrem , 03 May 2013 - 02:25 PM

If the server's been running without being shut down for 10 days, it may now be trying to use more memory than your system has available because of a memory leak caused by one of the mods. If that's the case, I'd try stopping the server using the 'stop' command in the console, using this opportunity to make a backup of the world, and restarting it.


If by "up and running for about 10 days" you meant it's been off-and-on running for that long, I'm not sure what to suggest.

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Hi, I have a server running FTB Ultimate. I didn't make any changes from the default install and it's been up and running for about 10 days now. I can't say for sure, but I'm almost positive I was able to place water when I first started playing on it. But now for some reason I'm unable to place lava or water. While searching for possible causes I came across this video:  which is about fixing the same problem with a plugin called Essentials, but I don't think that's part of FTB. The behavior shown in the video is exactly what happens to me. I place the lava/water and it appears briefly then disappears and my bucket never empties. Any ideas on how I can fix this?





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✓  Best Answer

If the server's been running without being shut down for 10 days, it may now be trying to use more memory than your system has available because of a memory leak caused by one of the mods. If that's the case, I'd try stopping the server using the 'stop' command in the console, using this opportunity to make a backup of the world, and restarting it.


If by "up and running for about 10 days" you meant it's been off-and-on running for that long, I'm not sure what to suggest.




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You were right, it had been running non-stop for 10 days. I stopped and restarted it (already have automatic daily backups) and am now able to place water and lava again. Thank you! Should I add a cronjob to bounce the server daily as well?

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I have my Ultimate server scheduled to restart at 4 hour intervals to ensure it doesn't mess up.
Vanilla Server: vanilla.vipersrt3g.net
Snapshot Server: snap.vipersrt3g.net

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