I want to make an MJ energy farm using thermopiles, and was wondering how to most the most efficient one possible. I know that the thermopile does not produce that much energy alone. However, if I were to make a whole bunch of them to replace my current sucky bluetricity solar panel farm, it would be very profitable. I know that lava with lots of water around it is the best to go with, since ice melts and whatnot. But, I do not know how high to make each "tower", since I'm guessing there would be energy-loss after a certain height. I also don't know what is a feasible ammount of "towers" to make, to make a decent power system. Nikolite is not a problem, but I don't want to have to make a hundred of them to have a good power supply. As for extracting the power, battery boxes , bluelectric engines and wires are a given. But, I don't know how to hook up multiple towers to get the most possible energy from it.
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Thermopile Energy Design
Posted 03 May 2013 - 11:45 PM
Posted 04 May 2013 - 05:51 AM
I've actually messed with this in creative mode quite a bit before. The key to making it semiviable is to use lava, Xychorium Ice, and block breakers on a timer. Your set up is basically a stacked 5x5 square more or less like this.
L=Lava Source
l = flowing Lava
W = Water Source
i = Xychorium Ice
B = Brick Breaker
T = Thermophile
C = Cobblestone (or whatever barrier you want to use)
R = Redwire
Basically, I have the block breakers on a thirty second timer connect with red wire to clear the basalt that will occasionally get created where the flowing lava is. Having the Lava source to the side ensures it is always replaced. The Xychorium Ice simply prevents the ice blocks from melting.
Honestly, the only great part of this design is that it is infinitely stackable. The bad news is if you want to power one blulectric engine at max capactity you still need a crap ton, and a solar farm is probably cheaper. So I'd only use it if you need a lot of blulectricity underground, but if you want to make MJs out of it I think there are better options.
The thermophiles (like all blulectricty machines) do pass power through each other, so you just need to have your bat box on the top/bottom of the power close to your engine. I do believe the standard 0.5% energy loss per block applies to them though.
...And his fists for punching trees.
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