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Missing mod sounds

Best Answer NJM1564 , 09 February 2013 - 07:45 AM

What's missing has nothing to do with MAtmos. MAtmos only produces background noise nothing active.

There is actualy a place in the console where it says " [INFO] [IC2] Sounds disabled.".

I looked in the configs MindCrack> minecraft> config and opened IC2.cfg. The listing for soundsEnabled is set to =false.

Why I do not know.

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I wonder why so many mod sounds do not work in FTB, like the jetpack, but there are tons more. Actually I would think that almost all extra mod sounds are disabled. I'm using the Mindcrack pack. Is there any option I need to change to turn them on?






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Is there a sound for the jetpack? I'm pretty sure most mods don't concentrate on adding sounds.

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Yeah, I've heard a jetpack sound in one YouTube video. Same for many machines, heard them do noises in some non-FTB videos on Youtube. But maybe it's just another addon mod, that adds sounds to various other mod's items and machinery... I'm more likely to believe that because I've searched the FTB folders and haven't found much. I assumed the FTB team may have stripped the mods of their sounds in order to save space, but I've updated mods manually and there was still no sound, besides there was no big difference in size of the mod archives...

So yeah, maybe it's a soundpack for some of the mods?



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Well, technically, there is nothing missing. Most likely, those videos you were watching were of Tekkit, not FTB. You see, Tekkit has matmos, which is a mod that adds atmospheric sounds to the game, which are the sounds you are hearing. Since matmos isn't in FTB, you won't hear them.


Hope that cleared things up.






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If the lack of sounds frustrates you, I recommend listening to music while playing Minecraft. Or even chatting with friends on some voice chat server. I generally do both at the same time, so the lack of minecraft sound effects doesn't really bother me. Also, Matmos quickly became annoying, and I often found myself disabling it completely after a short while.

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If the lack of sounds frustrates you, I recommend listening to music while playing Minecraft. Or even chatting with friends on some voice chat server. I generally do both at the same time, so the lack of minecraft sound effects doesn't really bother me. Also, Matmos quickly became annoying, and I often found myself disabling it completely after a short while.

Yeah, MAtmos can sound quite cool when you first start out, but maybe the amplitude ratio of MAtmos to Minecraft sounds isn't really that good.


I know IC2 adds quite a few sounds to their machines, and Advanced Machines use the same.

MystCraft adds a few teleportation sounds.


That's most mod sounds I ever hear on FTB, really.

Hope I helped!

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✓  Best Answer

What's missing has nothing to do with MAtmos. MAtmos only produces background noise nothing active.

There is actualy a place in the console where it says " [INFO] [IC2] Sounds disabled.".

I looked in the configs MindCrack> minecraft> config and opened IC2.cfg. The listing for soundsEnabled is set to =false.

Why I do not know.




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Thanks, NJM1564!


That did the trick. For example the jetpack now fizzles.


Although I must say that for instance Gregtech does not have any sounds as far as I can tell. Maybe that was the reason for disabling it? Maybe they rather wanted no sounds than an incomplete set of sounds.


As for their volume the IC2 sounds aren't that loud compared to the default MC sounds.




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Hmm, that's interesting. Here on FTB Beta A, soundsEnabled is set to true by default.

Hope I helped!

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I'm just gonna post this:


Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow. Seriously did no one understand what Gumbel meant? Obviously he meant the Block sounds, like the generator making a buzzing "vrooom"ing sound...



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This thread was already resolved regarding the issue you are talking about. The answer is highlighted at the top of this page.
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I've noticed that all the sounds sometimes don't play, but closing and opening the ftb launcher usually fixes it.

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They purposely changed the default behaviour of IC2 machines playing sounds during an update in unleashed. Perhaps they did so for all modpacks. Why they did so, i don't know either, perhaps it was an issue with the volume balancing, or perhaps a lot of people were just annoyed by all the humming in their big factories. ;)

But afaik the sound of the jetpack was not affected by this.


Btw anyone know of good minecraft like music to listen while playing minecraft? I'm sometimes intrigued to play vanilla just because of the new music they've added in the recent versions.



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You realize this thread is over a year old, yes?

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Punching trees, falling off cliffs, punching grass... Now that i think of it, Minecraft sounds painful.                                                                                                 

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Wooops ^^

Just got here somehow through new content and then didn't check the yearish part of the dates..

So you mean nobody is gonna support my attempt to hi-jack a dusty old thread? ;)



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Nawh man, make a new post perhaps then its yours lol

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Bored? Watch these!(-IN THE FACE-...-DADADAOOMSDAY-...-Krieg-...-NFLBLR-...-NFLBLR2-...-Fosko-)


"Speak softly and carry a diamond sword"-Me                                                                                                                                                                                            

Punching trees, falling off cliffs, punching grass... Now that i think of it, Minecraft sounds painful.                                                                                                 

The Word of the Week isIndefatigable!

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Wooops ^^

Just got here somehow through new content and then didn't check the yearish part of the dates..

So you mean nobody is gonna support my attempt to hi-jack a dusty old thread? ;)

You weren't the one necro-posting, Dandeman was.


(Double 'Wooops ^^'!)

Hope I helped!

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