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Hello friends.

After a series of trying out couple of public and private FTB servers i felt kinda disappointed with the community/limits of them.
In all of that mess i found a really great private community of people but the deal is my connection to that server was really bad and made the game unplayable for me  (I will miss you RedWire!).
So i started working on my own server and i believe it's ready for release.

What do i offer:

  • 24/7 lag free server*
  • No banned items
  • No bukkit/plugins
  • A great community to play with (i hope  )
  • A TeamSpeak3 server
  • Active forums for easier updates notification

*Server spec:
Intel E3 1240 v2 3.3 GHz
256 GB SSD
1 Gb/s Network
Unlimited Bandwidth
US Located (Dallas)

I'm managing a large scale Tekkit community so running this baby will be a piece of cake, and i believe i have enough knowledge in that part to keep us all together.
We will be running FTB Ultimate Pack, and if we have someone there that is willing to add something to that pack or offer us a custom one, i would be more then happy to check it out.
What my plan was is to find about 20-30 people to play with us here and based on your personal preference you can find partners with common interests, or go on your one...completely up to you.
Skype is a must. You don't need to own a microphone or whatever, we would use it only for easier communication.
I'm aware that i told you that we have a website/teamspeak but to make things a little easier on me and you in the beginning.
This is a fresh server, meaning we start from scratch and work our way out of this fantastic modpack.
The difficulty is set to Hard, deal with it =) !
There is couple of simple rules: Don't grief/steal, don't be rude and use common sense.
I'm sorry to say this but if you are under 16 years old, you will not be whitelisted. (unless you really have something specal =) )
So 16 is a must 18+ is preferred.

Make an application using the format on a post bellow and i hope to see you soon!

FTB Expirience:
What you can contribute:
Why should we pick you:
Additional Info (if some):

If some of you are shy, or don't want to share your info in public you can send me the app via PM.

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  • Location:England
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Age: 16
Location: Warrington, England
FTB Experience: 3 months
What you can contribute: I will help people out if needed and will hopefully be a regular user.
Why should we pick you: I am friendly and up for a challenge !
IGN: sean_w_96




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Age: 13(not the usual wingy type)
Location: UK
FTB Expirience: 6 months
What you can contribute: I like to help other people
Why should we pick you: Im nice and love talking to people
IGN: Thy_Reeper
Additional Info (if some): I have no idea how this website works




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sorry posted twice




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Age: 24
Location: California
FTB Experience:  I would say I've delved into about 65%, or more, of the mods.  Haven't touched most of forestry or late late gregtech.
What you can contribute:  I've a wide knowledge of most of the add-ons, any of the ones I've used I can provide helpful advice to get your systems set-up.
Why should we pick you:  I'm aware of quite a few lag causers and will avoid them, I use Alembics when I Thaum, and as long as you approach me in a respectable manner I will do in kind to you.
IGN: Bastilara
Additional Info (if some):  I'm also really awesome.  ^.^v

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Age:15 (But I am mature for me age, and try not to be winy or annoying)


FTB Experience: I have been playing ftb for about 6 months. I started with the mindcrack pack, and have recently gone into ultimate. I am quite experienced in IC2, GregTech, Twilight Forest, Mystcraft, and Thaumcraft. I have not worked much with computercraft or forestry, but look forward to trying them.

What can I contribute: I am fairly experienced, and enjoy helping people out with any issues when I can.

Why should you pick me: I will be as helpful as possible, and will be on quite frequently. I will also be recording for youtube soon. (I'm getting the channel set up ATM)


Additional Info: I have been mod and even admin on a couple of servers, and might be interested in joining the staff, later on. I alos know that you said tht most people under 16 wont get whitelisted, so I hope you will make an exception. 



Thanks for your time!

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Age:15 (But I am mature for me age, and try not to be winy or annoying)


FTB Experience: I have been playing ftb for about 6 months. I started with the mindcrack pack, and have recently gone into ultimate. I am quite experienced in IC2, GregTech, Twilight Forest, Mystcraft, and Thaumcraft. I have not worked much with computercraft or forestry, but look forward to trying them.

What can I contribute: I am fairly experienced, and enjoy helping people out with any issues when I can.

Why should you pick me: I will be as helpful as possible, and will be on quite frequently. I will also be recording for youtube soon. (I'm getting the channel set up ATM)


Additional Info: I have been mod and even admin on a couple of servers, and might be interested in joining the staff, later on. I alos know that you said tht most people under 16 wont get whitelisted, so I hope you will make an exception. 



Thanks for your time!

In general, please refrain from liking you own posts on this whole forum website. It is frowned upon by other members.

When in Trouble or in Doubt, Run in circles, Scream and Shout!




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Location: CA

FTB Experience: Haha, sorry, but I'm pretty new, I wanted to start a video series about it :)

What can I contribute: I love skyping with people, making videos :)

Why should you pick me: I love making videos (again) and I wish I can get us many fans ;)

IGN: HeroStuffs

Additional Info: I was on many white-listed server :) I LOVE THEM haha




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Location: California
FTB Expirience: only about 2 months but i've figured out most if not all of the mods
What you can contribute: Amazing builds(here is a link to one of my recent builds i did in about 20-30 minutes
should we pick you: I consider myself a fairly easy person to get along
with and will be on quite frequantly I don't have the equitment to
record videos however i do know quite a bit of editing and would  love
to be in some of the videos

IGN: Moonpieman
Info (if some): I have skype and teamspeak also I have owned 1 server
admined 5 and moded on about 15-20 servers so i know how to run an
effective server. please consider me this is the type of server i've
been looking for for about a month. 




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  • Location:Ontario
  • Modpack:FTB Ultimate

Age: 13

Location: Ontario, Toronto
FTB Experience: I memorised most of the mods and its recipes, and my knowledge is not only limited to FTB Ultimate Pack, I also know the mods and recipes and uses of the Direwolf20 pack, FTB Retro Pack and several others

What you can contribute: I am currently working on a mod, it still frustrates me, but I can make skins, texture packs, and my extensive knowledge on FTB can let me build complicated and compact build
Why should we pick you: I will not ask you to pick me, but I do want you to know that I enjoy playing multiplayer, but I have not found a community which I like, and this could perhaps be one which I would like :) I want to make a friend for once :l
IGN: garilthane99
Additional Info (if some): I am currently working on a mod which I call the F.A.R.M. mod, which is not about farming (did I get you there >:3) It is about two paths you can choose to follow in the game, but you can still choose both, the Tech path and the Magic path, where both seem to have similar mechanics in the start but have different benefits and disadvantages, but late-game, you require both paths to create extremely advanced things. This mod has not been released publicly because A) I feel that there could be things to work on, B) it's a W.I.P. (a Work In Progress, if you don't know the acronym) and C) all the items have intrelated recipes and uses, so I need to finish everything before it is functional, and it has several bugs :3


P.S. My Skype username is garilthane99says, please reply if I have been accepted


P.S.S. If this post offends you or hurts you in any way, please tell me what I did wrong and I will try to correct it and prevent it in the future, unless what you are saying is entirely unreasonable. Like (go kill yourself, your existence is a problem [believe me people say that to me])

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oh wait no, only 16+ is allowed :/ nevermind then sorry about my post 




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Age: 15, I don't act like it though, a lot of people say I act older than what I really am
Location: North Carolina USA

FTB Experience: I have been testing out a lot of things in these modpacks... I know almost every mod ranging from forestry to thaumcraft and all the way to parts of computercraft
What you can contribute: im a friendly, hardworking, leader, I strive to have fun. so in turn ill try to help you guys have fun, and if u need help ill be there to help out.
Why should we pick you: above
IGN: Dreadnik
Additional Info (if some): Skype is Dreadnik240

I just moved... and its summer break right now, so I can be on anytime anyday unless something comes up

please try to look past the age barrier XD I really don't act young

I may or may not record for youtube and I might do a few livestreams along the way if possible




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Location: California USA
FTB Experience: i have been playing feed the beast for 1 year now playing and learning cool features with all the mods.
What you can contribute: I can contribute information, help and advice to other player. Plus I am a very friendly player i do not get people mad unless its a little joke but nothing serious mad. 
Why should we pick you: Above
IGN: nutbang (don't laugh i somehow came up with this name playing CS 1.6 as a little kid)
Additional Info (if some): Skype: alec sarkisian

I have a just moved homes so wants i get everything settled i might record a little or livestream.




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  • Location:Batesville, AR
  • Modpack:FTB Ultimate

Age: 23

location: Arkansas, US

FTB Experience: 6 Months

What you can contribute: Friendly communication. A willingness to help out anyone on the server.

Why should we pick you: I'm a dedicated player, usually putting in 8 or 9 hours a day, and I'm getting pretty good with most of the mods.

IGN: D3arBlack

Additional Info (if some): N/A




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Age: 15
Location: Ocean City, Maryland, USA

FTB Expirience: 1 1/2 months, In a short time I gained a large understanding of FTB
What you can contribute: I am a pretty good redstoner and builder, but I can usually help in any way you need
Why should we pick you: I am Honest, hardworking, I love to Contribute, and trustworthy.
IGN: ToastedMangos
Additional Info (if some): I just got fed up with joining servers where most items were banned and that I had to donate tons of money to use some of those items. I was also fed up with un-trustworthy people coming into my home and stealing my stuff! I would really like to join a server where everyone can trust eachother because they know that everyone is kind and will not try to kill them or steal their stuff.

Thank You




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Yeah sorry about my post didn't see the 16+




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Age: 24
Location: US, TN
FTB EXP: little
What can I contribute: I'm a team player, I can assist with builds and gathering of resources. Comic relief
Why should you pick me: You have nothing to lose, you are looking for people who can help you expand and grow with, I feel like I fit and would be a great member of your team.
IGN: lleversmann
Additional info: I'm a great team player, being in the army taught me how to handle many different types of people. I learn fast and never make the same mistake. Hopefully I will fit into what you are looking for, but if not good luck with the search mate. My Skype name is lleversmann89. Thanks for reading over this.



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  • Location:Sydney, NSW, Australia
  • IGN:Firemx
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Age: 14 (Keep reading, don't be completely ageist.... Please?)
Location: Sydney
FTB Expirience: I've forgotten, though I am an admin here, so I have a nice amount of experience.
What you can contribute: I enjoy small communities, while I can't contribute anything explicitly professional I'm a nice person to talk to in general.
Why should we pick you: Ughh....... I like..... People?
IGN: firemx (Looks better without a capital in game)
Additional Info (if some): Not much, i'm a pretty average person.


Although I am young, I still have things to do and thus won't be on 24/7... Or at all from 10PM - 4:30PM AEST (Weekdays)... :P




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  • Location:Kentucky! :D
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Age: (Here's the one kicker) I'm only 14, but 15 in a week.
Location: America, EST zone.

FTB Expirience: I've been playing FTB for several months now, and I am very familiar with most mods. If there's something I don't understand, I can pick it up very quickly. 
What you can contribute: I'm mature, yet still willing to have fun (Scratch that, I love fun. Just constructive fun, not griefing.) I have a pretty good memory (All those Ic2 Recipes xD), I love to talk to people, and I'm very patient. 
Why should we pick you: I have been looking for a tight knit, FTB Ultimate community for awhile now. I'm looking to meet new people and generally expand my horizons. I can promise you that I'm respectful, loyal, and- when I find a server I truly like- I stick with it.
IGN: Ninnjawhisper
Additional Info (if some): You may or may not believe this, but i'm a senior in high school. I've skipped two grades, and i started kindergarten young. It's not exactly Minecraft related, but It does show I'm somewhat mature. ;)


I hope my "something special" is special enough to consider me- Your server might be the community I've been looking for! (I sure hope so! :D)

If not, I understand. :)

Have a good day!




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  • Modpack:MindCrack Pack

Age: 15 almost 16
Location: USA, NY
FTB Expirience: about 3-4 months; still much to learn
What you can contribute: whatever needs contributing too 
Why should we pick you: I'm not sure, I'm just looking for a sever to record on 

IGN: titan2036
Additional Info (if some): I am mature for my age, and I'm a friendly person 

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