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Apiarist's Pipe

Apiarists Pipe

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I have an apiarist's pipe and I want to only filter certain higher tier bees than the pipe shows. Is there a way to make it so I can have higher tier bees go only one direction? When I'm in the pipe menu I only see the bees you get from hives. I am using the Ultimate pack. Also what are the numbers one and 0 used for?


Here's what I see:





Big thanks!



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I don't know what you mean by "higher tier bees", but I'm guessing you mean a specific breed of bee (e.g. Diamond, Impregnable, Valuable.) Try clicking the squares above the 0 and 1, which should cycle through the various species. I'm not sure if that only shows vanilla Forestry bees or if it also shows species added by Extra/Thaumic Bees.


I assume that the 1 and 0 refer to the active/passive traits of a bee's species as seen with a beealyzer. However, this is speculation and I'm not 100% certain.


I would suggest splitting your "higher tier bees" into a distinct setup, as I'm not sure that there is a way of separating the two types of species that you are using, whatever they are, and I would suggest keeping them separate anyways, apart from having the products converge into one inventory.


If the pipe doesn't show the species of bee you are looking for and you are working with only two species, send one species a specific direction. The other species will see that there is only one method of travelling and take that route. If you are working with three or more species of bee, then you will have to split your different bee species into self-contained systems.

My username is digitallyApocalyptic. I contribute where I can on the wiki and I've previously built pretty much the entirety of Category:Twilight Forest. I play FTB Ultimate, some games on Steam, and I follow MS Paint Adventures.




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Ive been trying to find a good way as well to auto sort bees but i havent figured it out yet either. I believe Apocolypic is right when he said the 0 1 sections apply to the same bee, thats what ive found as well. so if you had it: 0 diligent 1 resiliant then only diligent-resiliant bees would go there, not diligent and resiliant. It seems like this limits you to only 3 bee species per pipe exit which means you need a ton of pipes to sort everything. Ive tried using diamond pipes but they do not seem like they can tell the difference between any types of bees. what we need is something like a diamond apiarist pipe which gives you multiple slots that you can just place the different bees in and it sorts them.

Im willing to bet there is something in one of the mods that probably lets you sort the bees in a good way, I just do not know what that would be.


As for the types, are you trying to sort bees you havent found yet? It seems like in my world it shows me all the bees in the families I have found yet, even some specific bees that I dont even have that are still in the same family.




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So I guess I didn't make myself quite clear so I will explain it better:


What I mean by higher tier bees is better bees than the regular bees you get from bee hives scattered across the world (ex: diamond, cultured, diligent). When I use the sorting system the pipe shows it only shows the bees you get from hives. I am asking how you get the "higher tier bees" in that sorting system in the pipe. Do you just need those "higher tier bees" to go through it or is there another way?


Thanks for all the help so far!



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Ive been trying to find a good way as well to auto sort bees but i havent figured it out yet either. I believe Apocolypic is right when he said the 0 1 sections apply to the same bee, thats what ive found as well. so if you had it: 0 diligent 1 resiliant then only diligent-resiliant bees would go there, not diligent and resiliant. It seems like this limits you to only 3 bee species per pipe exit which means you need a ton of pipes to sort everything. Ive tried using diamond pipes but they do not seem like they can tell the difference between any types of bees. what we need is something like a diamond apiarist pipe which gives you multiple slots that you can just place the different bees in and it sorts them.

Im willing to bet there is something in one of the mods that probably lets you sort the bees in a good way, I just do not know what that would be.


As for the types, are you trying to sort bees you havent found yet? It seems like in my world it shows me all the bees in the families I have found yet, even some specific bees that I dont even have that are still in the same family.

Diamond Pipes can't tell the difference between bee types because all of the bees added by both Forestry, Extra Bees and Thaumic Bees all share the exact same item IDs for drones, princesses and queens. This means that, since this is all that defines the bee that the Diamond Pipe can read (as it only takes into account the item ID and its durability value, not bothering with bee genomes) all bees of the same variety will flow the same way, e.g. if you put a drone in one row and a princess in another, all drones regardless of species will go one way and all princesses another.



So I guess I didn't make myself quite clear so I will explain it better:


What I mean by higher tier bees is better bees than the regular bees you get from bee hives scattered across the world (ex: diamond, cultured, diligent). When I use the sorting system the pipe shows it only shows the bees you get from hives. I am asking how you get the "higher tier bees" in that sorting system in the pipe. Do you just need those "higher tier bees" to go through it or is there another way?


Thanks for all the help so far!

I haven't done a whole lot with species sorting on Apiarist's Pipes, so I'm not sure. I remember that, on a Mindcrack Pack server I used to play on a lot, I made an automatic bees system and I had no trouble finding the appropriate species of bee (in this case, Imperial and Industrious.) I'm not sure what your problem could be caused by here, but perhaps Torkuda is right. Unless it's a very rare and difficult-to-acquire branch (e.g. Diamond or other mined-resource bees) I'd suggest getting a sample of all of the bees from that branch if you haven't already.


I'm not sure how many resources you have, but if you need greater chances of mutation when getting bees to complete that task, I've found Metabolic Frames immensely helpful or, if you have more resources to spare, an Eye of Ender each in four Mutators in an Alveary pretty much constitutes a 100% mutation chance for all species, at least for me.

My username is digitallyApocalyptic. I contribute where I can on the wiki and I've previously built pretty much the entirety of Category:Twilight Forest. I play FTB Ultimate, some games on Steam, and I follow MS Paint Adventures.




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Well here's my set up:


2013-05-16_16.48.59.png 2013-05-16_16.49.13.png


I'm going to try running different types of bees through the pipe and see if it gives me an option to use different bees.


Edit:   -no luck



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Ive been trying to find a good way as well to auto sort bees but i havent figured it out yet either.

I just sort out the ones I don't want to keep and diamond pipe the rest to various places and the rest goes in a chest to be added to the diamond pipe's list.

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I just sort out the ones I don't want to keep and diamond pipe the rest to various places and the rest goes in a chest to be added to the diamond pipe's list.


So I guess I didn't make myself quite clear so I will explain it better:


What I mean by higher tier bees is better bees than the regular bees you get from bee hives scattered across the world (ex: diamond, cultured, diligent). When I use the sorting system the pipe shows it only shows the bees you get from hives. I am asking how you get the "higher tier bees" in that sorting system in the pipe. Do you just need those "higher tier bees" to go through it or is there another way?


Thanks for all the help so far!


I just checked and it gives me options in the apiarist pipe for 57 different bee species. Most of them I have found, but a few I havent but are still in the same family as others i currently have. Have you gotten a lot of different bees; how many does it let you sort between?


I just sort out the ones I don't want to keep and diamond pipe the rest to various places and the rest goes in a chest to be added to the diamond pipe's list.

right now i just have so many bees though. I have 9 apiarist chests and 5 gold chests form my drones and i keep the princesses and queens in
the indexer. it would be awesome to be able to add drones to the analyzer and have it automatically place the bees in different chests
based off whatever i want in them, it would make going through them a lot easier.


It would be awesome if you could sort the bees like with a diamond pipe, I could just put different families together so it would be a lot easier finding the drones I want. I saw someone using an item called the Manager from the bluetricity stuff but I dont know how to make it work or if it would be able to do that.



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right now i just have so many bees though. I have 9 apiarist chests and 5 gold chests form my drones and i keep the princesses and queens in
the indexer.


Is there a reason you're keeping all these drones? Once I have a stable pair for a species, any of the spare drones from the breeding process get sent to the Isolator if I still need the species serum, or to the Genepool to become Liquid DNA.




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Is there a reason you're keeping all these drones? Once I have a stable pair for a species, any of the spare drones from the breeding process get sent to the Isolator if I still need the species serum, or to the Genepool to become Liquid DNA.


Well to make new species I still end up using drones from some old ones. I probably dont need to keep as many as i do, but i know as soon as i throw something away ill need it again. I have been getting the species serums for all of the types as well, so i guess i wouldnt be out of luck if i started tossing some.




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I just checked and it gives me options in the apiarist pipe for 57 different bee species. Most of them I have found, but a few I havent but are still in the same family as others i currently have. Have you gotten a lot of different bees; how many does it let you sort between?


I have a few rarer bees and some bees from the heroic branch, industrious branch, noble branch, and some of the bees you get from hives. The only ones the apiarist's pipe shows for me are the bees you get from hives.




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I've been watching the yogscast's videos and they have no trouble with the sorting either...


(My machine is based of theirs by the way, and I have plenty of resources.)



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Out of curiousity: what species do you have listed in your Apiarist Database? The bees I can select in the Apiarist's Pipe seem to match exactly with the bees I have listed in the databank.

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Out of curiousity: what species do you have listed in your Apiarist Database? The bees I can select in the Apiarist's Pipe seem to match exactly with the bees I have listed in the databank.


That might be my problem. Thanks I'll see if that works.




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Is there a /command or something to uncover the whole database for your character?  The reason I ask is that my gf and I did all the bee breeding together but far, into it I realized that I have almost none of them in my database while she has almost all of them.  I discovered it's all based on who placed the Apiary that the bee was bred in, so even if I did the breeding, it was in an Apiary she placed, therefore she has the new breed in her list and I do not.  So I am hoping there is a way to /command it as I really don't care to rebreed them all so I can properly set our Apiarist Pipes.



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To my knowledge, there is no command for this specific purpose. However, I do know that the species in your database are based on the different species that you remove from an Apiary (e.g. removing an Imperial-Industrious princess, an Unweary-Diligent drone, a Noble-Majestic drone and a Common-Cultivated drone from an apiary would grant you information on all eight species in the Database) and, therefore, you could abuse /givedrone, /giveprincess and a few Nova Frames cheated in via creative mode to rapidly acquire information on any and all missing species, provided you are OK with cheating some bees and frames in to later be destroyed.

For reference, the syntax for these commands:




If you want to have information on all theoretical bee species, you could also cheat in a Master Apiarist Database, although A ) this will give you information on ALL species of bees, not just those you've bred, and B ) information you view in a Master Apiarist Database does NOT transfer from the Master database to your personal database.


It's also possible to hyper-breed bees by constructing an Alveary, equipping it with six Frame Housings and three Mutators, placing a Chocolate Frame in each of the Frame Housings and a stack of Eyes of Ender in each of the Mutators. This will allow for 100% guaranteed mutation chance for any species (even Valuable, Glittering, etc that have default 2% chance) and will reduce the queen's lifespan to one cycle (27.5 seconds.) A similar result could also be accomplished with use of Nova Frames instead of Chocolate Frames, which also have the advantage of higher durability and the advantage of further increasing the mutation chance to insane values.

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My username is digitallyApocalyptic. I contribute where I can on the wiki and I've previously built pretty much the entirety of Category:Twilight Forest. I play FTB Ultimate, some games on Steam, and I follow MS Paint Adventures.

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