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Industrial Blast Furnace

Best Answer Kahless61 , 21 May 2013 - 04:03 PM

Not sure if your question has been answered or not, but I *just* saw this recent change to the wiki by an anonymous user:



This implies that Greg did indeed change it.

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Hi all,


I'm trying to make tungsten steel, but whenever I build the blast furnace I'm only getting 70K per advanced machine casing instead of the 100K as listed on the wiki page. This means my maximum temperature without lava is only 2380, and with lava only 2880 and I'm therefore totally unable to create the tungsten steel ingots.


I did update to Mindcrack 8.3, which includes a newer version of Gregtech, but there isn't any mention of changes to casing heat values.


Does anyone know how to fix this, or do I just have to cheat my ingots in?



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Can you post a picture of your setup? I can't think of anything that could be wrong other than an incorrect or flawed setup.

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Well I could when I get home, but its definitely set up correctly. I've been using it fine for ages and get the right values with standard and reinforced machine casings, as well as the correct lava bonus. 


I've tried ripping it all out and rebuilding it a couple of times in case there was a glitch, but always get the same low temperature. It's rather annoying for it to not work, given how much time it takes to get all that chrome and titanium.


I can only assume Greg made a change to the casings in the version I have without changing the temperature requirement of tungstensteel, or he's included some other block which is supposed to go in the centre, but hasn't documented it.



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✓  Best Answer

Not sure if your question has been answered or not, but I *just* saw this recent change to the wiki by an anonymous user:



This implies that Greg did indeed change it.



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That'd be it thanks. I didn't see any mention of this anywhere...



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Yes, I'm wondering where our anonymous user got his information from.

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