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Frame Glitch Prevention

Best Answer Paul17041993 , 10 February 2013 - 10:19 AM

Sounds like a bug wit redpower2, 762:1 seems to be a hidden block id, (762 is the frame, 762:2 is tube frame, 762:3 is redstone tube frame), I guess your breaking frames somewhere to feed into the deployer, and its picking up the wrong ID for some reason...

Try to report the bug to eloraam (creator of redpower2), and maby as a fix try to slow down the mechanics of the system, a delay for the breakers is probably all thats needed...

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So, I was testing out a frame quarry design in one of my test worlds. After running it a little bit, I noticed these strange blocks in the deployer. I'm not sure how I got them, but the items are called "Unnamed 762:1" This makes them seem to be a glitched type of Frame, since Frames have the ID 762. They look like an empty space in my inventory, except for the stack number, and the name bubble when I hover over them. Attempting to place them down only results in an Air Block and a temporary shadow.


While they don't seem to cause any crashes or anything, they do take up inventory space, and might cause problems if I get too many. If you know anything about this, it would be helpful to know how to prevent the creation of these. With the Deployer only having a Dispenser's inventory space, I don't want it to clog and jam the entire system. I while I didn't find many inside, I think it's better safe than sorry.









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✓  Best Answer

Sounds like a bug wit redpower2, 762:1 seems to be a hidden block id, (762 is the frame, 762:2 is tube frame, 762:3 is redstone tube frame), I guess your breaking frames somewhere to feed into the deployer, and its picking up the wrong ID for some reason...

Try to report the bug to eloraam (creator of redpower2), and maby as a fix try to slow down the mechanics of the system, a delay for the breakers is probably all thats needed...

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use a diamond pipe and a void pipe.

When in Trouble or in Doubt, Run in circles, Scream and Shout!

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