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Advanced Automation (redpower)

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  Hello. I'm trying to use one of the RP gates ( autocratic, and, or not gates) any of them. to request an item from a barrel into a far away slot.


I only want the item request to signal if the stack is not full in the inventory slot so my pipes don't get spammed with items traveling.

What type of gate and/or Red power machine system will I need to accomplish this? I DONT want to set up a timer system that meshes with the item usage. Any help?



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Download and install the tubestuff mod and use retrievulators to control the redpower retrievers.

Celestial Oblivion

Celestial Oblivion

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So did the simple answer of having the entire tube line be redpower tubes, with one connecting to the gate not work? I haven't tried it with red power but if you check for room in inventory and do an energy pulsar that might work.

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No because for the entire time that it takes the items to travel through the pipe the target slot won't be full, meaning items are continuously pulled into the pipe network until the first one arrives.

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