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Loading a world crashes my game and restarts my pc

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  • Location:Batesville, AR
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When i try to load a world my FTB closes and then restarts my computer. I have uninstalled and reinstalled java many times and done the same with FTB and Minecraft. My java is up to date and im using Windows 7

Here is a copy of the error report im getting:




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Have you played FTB on this computer before and it's stopped working, or are you trying to get it to run for the first time?




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This is the first time i have tried to run FTB and Minecraft on this particular PC


If anyone could help me it would be much appreciated

Celestial Oblivion

Celestial Oblivion

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And regular minecraft works on this PC?

"The mind is the attribute of man. When man is born, he comes into existence with only one weapon with him- The reasoning mind."

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yeah just with really poor framerate. the pc has only the necessary programs and features installed along with Minecraft, FTB, LogMeIn Hamachi, and Optifine.

oh yeah, I also have Google Chrome Installed.



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If the computer is struggling to run vanilla Minecraft, it probably just isn't powerful enough to run Feed the Beast. But don't take my word as definitive, there may be something informative in the error report that someone else will catch.



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I mentioned this to someone else and I'll suggest it again: If you're not able to run Vanilla Minecraft, you may try posting on their forums, as your question will get a lot more views that way, and probably more likely to get support. A lot of us here mostly focus on FTB, and many of us don't even play vanilla anymore, so we can help you with FTB stuff, but if even vanilla isn't running, that's a deeper issue ;-)


Good luck. It seems strange that it's causing your computer to shutdown - if it just instantly shuts down, something may be overheating, so check your hardware.




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What are your computer specs?

Hope I helped!

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