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TreeCraft (Whitelisted) (Mindcrack FTB) (Nothing Banned) (Also Have a Vanilla Server)

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  • IGN:pirie115
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Hi there i would like to join your server!


IGN / Username - pirie115

Speciality          - I really like using the industrial-craft and rail-craft so i like building complex machinery first rather than building i like building but i rather have machines 

About me           -i am 16 anda I was always playing minecraft classic until i discovered FTB or Tekkit i started to get to know the mod packs and then i became more addicted. but me well i like to play mc and have a good laugh and banter with mates and i feel as tho i need a server where i cant op myself or gm me and make you-tube videos.

Banned - NEVER

Type of tree     -  OOFT i really like the Lime green ughh they look so dayum good.



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accepted and since you do youtube videos you can tell others that they can make applications, make sure you use the mindcrack pack
Sorry The Server was down but it is now up.




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Is the server still down? I don't seem to be able to connect :/



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The Server was up for a couple min but now its up for like 30 min I think it will stay up, there was apparently trouble with all minecraft servers. 




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  • IGN:Clingston
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Username: Clingston

Specialty(Homes, Commercial, Tall Structures, etc.): Building automated machines and homes. 

Describe Yourself(Doesn't have to be long):
I'm 16 years old and I have been playing minecraft for a couple of years. I have a lan mindcrack FTB server that I play with my brother from time to time. I really like doing technical things in minecraft like redstone and automated stuff.

Have You Been Banned: No

How Green Do You Like Your Trees?: Very bright shiny green. Like glow in the dark stuff.



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Um did you know to apply on the website? But its ok you are accepted choose a plot at spawn to start off if you want!!!




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Oh, I went on the website and then I didn't know where to apply because some poeple applyed here too. I didn't want to register there. :P Anyways I am in so its all fine. :)



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Sorry I just started school so if your wondering that's why I haven't been on as much!!!!!



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  • Location:minecraftia
  • IGN:xfritz5375
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Username: xfritz5375

Specialty(Homes, Commercial, Tall Structures, etc.): gathering materials and some buildcraft and know all about tinkers construct

Describe Yourself(Doesn't have to be long): I'm a nice person who will get everything you need and am very helpful

Have You Been Banned: No

If So Why?:

How Green Do You Like Your Trees?: Green



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You were sopossed to apply on the website, but its ok :).



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You were sopossed to apply on the website, but its ok :).

I didn't see that.



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Map just updated, brand new map
Ok j4n5 is now gone, no need to worry.
Ok the IP is now private, and you will get it once your accepted!!!
Sorry for all the extra steps to get the ip, but overall it adds alot of security . :)
We might be changing mod packs, It will most likely be a custom one!!!
Server is Up!!! But There will be a Scheduled Maintenance in a couple of days, go to our main website to find out more.
Ok we will be getting a custom pack soon, it will have the redpower project which is a mod that is copying the no longer existing redpower. It features every mod in the mindcrack pack, and much more!!!! Can't wait.
We could really use some more people!!! :)
Vanilla Server IS OPEN!!!! Ip Is on the webstie, but it is here to :
If You apply for either server you are on both servers



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Please don't double post so much.
Most places don't allow two let alone the amount you've posted.
Watch all of my different Let's Play series, Minecraft and more!

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