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"Exception in server tick loop" Crash fix

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Alright, so first and foremost- I apologize if this is in the wrong board!


Now, onto the solution:

If your game is crashing (I use FTB Ultimate mainly, but this should work with other packs), it could be because of a very simple problem- the launcher cannot access files it needs to generate your world (i.e. the chunks), so it gives you the error.

The easiest way to fix this is as follows:


Right click your launcher; a white menu box should pop up. Mouse over the "Run as administrator" option, and click that. this allows the launcher to access the files it needs to to generate your world. 


I hope this helps anyone experiencing this error out! I had to figure this out by myself, as this error is usually caused by lack of memory etc. Anyways- it was weird.


Happy minecrafting!


(Again, I apologize if this is in the wrong section, I'm just trying to help!)

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If the launcher has problems accessing the files it usually has to do with file access permissions of folders...


So while the solution you passed on works temporarily you can do one of two things to permanently fix the problem:


1. Set the program to run on Admin in default:


Find the properties of the shortcut and select the 'Compatibility' tab.  Now you just have to tick "Run as Admin" and click 'ok'. 

This will force the program to run in administrator mode every time it is run, no matter if you click "Run as Admin" or just "Open".


2. Remove the file restrictions on the folders.


This solution is a little more abstract:

You have to first find FTB's root folder and access it's properties.  You will then have to find the "Permissions" tab and click "Edit".  Now you have to give all permission to all the listed users, just in case of any other permission conflicts. (Note: This method is harder and a hell of a lot less convenient but can be used if the above decides not to work.)


As this does seem like the only appropriate forum I will temporarily pin this until a further decision has been made.

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How do I fix this on an Unhinged server?  When I try to "run as admin" nothing happens.




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Darn,It I deleted my world cause of that :/




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Any ideas on how to fix this for a mac? 


Here's my crash log, 



it looks like there's something wrong with JourneyMaps? I honestly have no idea what to do.


PS. I'm on an infinity server



I found that by using the .jar file itself to start the server I could get it to work

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