I'm told, but the guy who I was talking to didn't know how, only that it was tricky, that there is a way to force an AE network to only stock to certain levels and that's it. So how do I get an AE network, in the 1.4.6 Ultimate Pack, to only stock a few stacks of an item in a container or machine? Such as 3 stacks of charcoal and 3 of bone meal in a Cargo Manager to refuel a wood cutting cart with out filling every available slot in the Manager with charcoal and bone meal?
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Making AE stock to certain quantities
Posted 17 June 2013 - 12:40 AM
Posted 17 June 2013 - 01:07 AM
This is untested, but I think it should work:
You'll need 2 separate AE networks: #1 will be your main network, #2 will be dedicated to stocking the inventory. Both will need their own ME Controller.
Attach an ME Interface to network #1 for each item you want to keep stocked. Set each to keep one of the items you're looking for. The rest of this setup should be attached to network #2.
Attach an ME Storage Bus to the inventory you want to keep stocked. Set up ME Import Busses to pull from the ME Interfaces, and require a redstone signal for them to operate. Add an ME Level Emitter pointing toward each, set to emit a signal if the level of the associated item is below the desired level. And... that should be it.
I'll test this out, and see if anything needs to be changed. It's going to be significantly easier in the 1.5 version of AE, based on videos from the Forgecraft server.
Edit: I tested this in my Direwolf20 Pack test world and it worked as I expected (though it kept a few extra stocked: I asked for 5, it put in 7, I asked for 64, it put in 65... just a delay with the redstone updating, it seems). If I didn't explain the design clearly enough, let me know and I'll try again. Also, there may very well be a simpler way, but this is what I could come up with.
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