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Mindcrack v8 crashing recently

Best Answer Hippieshaman , 10 February 2013 - 11:38 PM

Its because java runs out of memory, only solution to this is to increase the maximum memory your server can utilize, so you have to upgrade it.


  • java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded
  • java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space


You only have 910MB dedicated to the JVM, and when it peaks above that, you get the OutOfMemoryError's


You should also ask your server provider to set both Xmx and Xms to the maximum value, sometimes it bugs out when it hits the maximum Xms value and tries to allocate more memory (Xmx is maximum memory the JVM can use, and Xms is the initial allocated memory it can use)

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i have a dedicated server, hosted by velocity servers.

and with in the past 2 or 3 days the server is crashing 1-2 times a day.. usually only when we are on and playing.

here is the crash report it is generating.



hopefully someone who knows a bit more about mindcraft servers can help me here.




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Could have something to do with the launching .bat parameters being between 1G and 32M of memory, and the server simply cannot handle it... but that would be highly unlikely considering that the crash happened with 90% of the memory available for use.
But increasing the minimal heap from 32M to something like 128M might help with background garbage collection for the database, so that it doesn't take forever to retrieve data and throw out OutOfMemory errors.





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it just crashed again.

this time it is giving a different error but it seems related to what you are sayin..


but it might help give more info.




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Is anyone causing a ton of lag? Like do you have a ton of quarries or machines running?

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nothing has changed that much...

this server is only used for 3 people... and we are still begginners on ftb...

so we only have 2 or 3 dozen machines...but nothing that runs constantly. we do have i think 2 quarrys.. but only 1 runs at a time


I have been playing with using water on quarrys to keep lava down... and when i pull the water out, the water updating seems to cause major problems... but i cant figure out why..



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✓  Best Answer

Its because java runs out of memory, only solution to this is to increase the maximum memory your server can utilize, so you have to upgrade it.


  • java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded
  • java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space


You only have 910MB dedicated to the JVM, and when it peaks above that, you get the OutOfMemoryError's


You should also ask your server provider to set both Xmx and Xms to the maximum value, sometimes it bugs out when it hits the maximum Xms value and tries to allocate more memory (Xmx is maximum memory the JVM can use, and Xms is the initial allocated memory it can use)

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well we doubled the ram to 2G.

also changed hosts to host legend.

everything seems to be running fine.

world loading seems to be faster with the new host too.. dont know if its ram related or better server connection or better server cpu. or whatever but its been running like a top again.

thanks all

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